Aging and limitations in photo outfits

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Back in the 1970s the original OM-1 used 35mm film as did Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Minolta, Konica and others; and was well known for producing excellent small bodied 35mm cameras and lenses. Olympus and Panasonic created the MFT system in 2008 for mirrorless bodies after discarding the mirror and prism used in the original four thirds system from 2003. Olympus has never made a "full frame" digital camera as we currently use the term for cameras whose sensors are the same size as 35mm film.
Olympus made a half-frame film camera system (Olympus Pen) before the full-frame OM film camera system.
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I'm 63, with rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disks, and heart failure. I've shot Nikon Z7 with 500PF for several years now, and it is fairly lightweight, but last year I sold my old D850 and bought an OM-1 and 100-400mm and love the lighter weight. I still use my Z7/500PF when I go to special places like Yellowstone, but generally use the OM-1 for other travel and daily use. I just got back from a long weekend on the Big Island (I live on Oahu, so a short trip) and took the OM-1. I've posted a couple of pics on the Wildlife Presentation forum from it. Other than that I just have to be more picky about how rough the trails are, and how far I go than I use to be. I have some physical issues now, and today I'm sore as heck. There's a lot of steep hills on the Big Island.
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This is just another saga of The Old Man and The Sea. I am talking about the Hemingway novel.

I have convinced myself that I am immortal (or was it immoral) so I push on with dual Z9's and heavy lenses on straps.

to me it is a matter of work hardening. If something hurts work out, take PT and strengthen the muscles.

It helps that I have been athletic all of my adult life. I also hang with hard core cyclists and some of them are doing 150 miles and 10,000 ft of climbing in one day at the age of 85.

Just keep pushing and making it happen.

My doctor tells me we are all headed for the trash heap, as far as I know no one has gotten out alive. Just keep pushing and making it happen.
This is just another saga of The Old Man and The Sea. I am talking about the Hemingway novel.

I have convinced myself that I am immortal (or was it immoral) so I push on with dual Z9's and heavy lenses on straps.

to me it is a matter of work hardening. If something hurts work out, take PT and strengthen the muscles.

It helps that I have been athletic all of my adult life. I also hang with hard core cyclists and some of them are doing 150 miles and 10,000 ft of climbing in one day at the age of 85.

Just keep pushing and making it happen.

My doctor tells me we are all headed for the trash heap, as far as I know no one has gotten out alive. Just keep pushing and making it happen.
I hear what you’re saying but life is never that simple. I’ve worked hard all my life , I worked as a coal miner 3000-4000ft underground a lot of the time in tunnels that where so low I was on my hands and knees. Fast forward to now and the price of coal is taking its toll on my body. Yes I’ve worked out and taken PT but ultimately some things just cannot be fixed and different options need to be taken, hence my interest in this thread and I’m now considering my alternatives.