An non-NPS orders, ordered after the launch day?

If you would like to post, you'll need to register. Note that if you have a BCG store account, you'll need a new, separate account here (we keep the two sites separate for security purposes).

If you are applying for NPS, don't cut corners with the application. Provide the detail needed to clearly demonstrate you are a professional even if it does not fit neatly in categories or fit their questions.

to be fair, their current web application thingy doesn't let you provide free form supporting information. it's only after you get a rejection that you can provide supporting information. or at least that i saw.

For example, I looked at a "professional's" website recently and all it talked about was their love of photography and travel. It never talked about what they did professionally or market their services. As expected, they were declined by NPS.

yah, this is a good point. you can try to have your web page provide supporting information
Just talked to a local (big) applicance store (ABT) in the chicago area. They are an authorized Nikon dealer. Placed an order for a Z 9 with them. Perhap 2 months are the current rate of shipments...