Anyone using Sony A74?

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Thanks. I will read the blog post. Coming from DSLR I'm not sure a blackout would bother me much unless it is a lot more blackout than my D500. I rarely do BIF photography and what I do is usually "environmental" shots of waterfowl lifting off from the marsh or raptors flying by. Both of which are more or less opportunistic in that I don't set out in the morning to focus on that type of photo but I won't pass it by when it presents itself.

I'm wondering if rolling shutter when in silent mode will bother me more than blackout? Silent shooting is one of the benefits I see with the EVF and Mirrorless cameras. If slower movement (i.e. a deer trotting through a field, a heron fly by, a squirrel in the trees, dragonflies flying, etc.) would trigger the rolling shutter effect or would that be a disappointment for me.???

Thanks again for the link.
Yes. If you have a straight tree or similar in the frame, it will look tilted. But then, how noisy is the mechanical shutter? I find the shutter click of the D500 useful as often as it's not because the bird looks at the camera and eye contact is better.

Check out the youtube vids by Olles Nilsson (sp?). He's using it in the way you want to.
Yes. If you have a straight tree or similar in the frame, it will look tilted. But then, how noisy is the mechanical shutter? I find the shutter click of the D500 useful as often as it's not because the bird looks at the camera and eye contact is better.

Check out the youtube vids by Olles Nilsson (sp?). He's using it in the way you want to.
Thanks. Yes I saw a couple of his videos yesterday. Interesting. As for the D500 shutter, I cannot say I've missed any shots due to the sound of the mirror slap. Where I think silent mode would come in handy is when my wife is shooting video. A number of times she has been shooting video of something while I am shooting stills. The "machine gun" clack clack clack of the D500 mirror slapping does show up in her videos which means I either have to edit those frames out of the video or kill the audio and replace with some kind of music. My video "style" if you call it that is not to be talking in the videos. I showcase the wildlife and the sights and sounds of the forest and will supplement with title slides explaining what is happening when it is necessary. I figure the world has enough (too many???) "vloggers" and videos of people filling up time talking. We're really not after clicks to our YouTube channel. If people like it, great if not, well, it's OK too.

Thanks again for all your posts on this. I really do appreciate the info and perspectives offered. Everything helps.
