Are You Shooting Mirrorless Yet?

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What Is Your Mirrorless Status?

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Loving my z6 and z7, but can't quite get rid of the D5 yet. For fast wildlife the mirrorless just doesn't have me satisfied yet. Hoping eventually to be exclusively mirrorless.
D500 and D810. I'm thinking of replacing the D810 with either the D850 or mirrorless. I shoot 90% wildlife (altho starting to get into astrophotography) I concerned that mirrorless is not as good of a choice for wildlife as the 850 is.
I am 72. I purchased a Nikon D750 a year or so after it was released and loved it. Before that I had a D90 and a D7000. I loved that camera. I finally had a camera that felt like a camera. And just like the Adam I started be tempted by Eve, the Fuji XT-1. I turned my back on it but it kept tempting me.
i am a firm believer in we as humans we can justify any action we perform and we always win the argument. My justification won over common sense that as being mid baby boomer my hands couldn’t and as time went on wouldn’t handle the weight of a Nikon D750 with a clone battery grip. So up it went on eBay. And in came the Fuji XT-1.
it was ok. It was small and different and I didn’t care for the EVF except in the real time preview. I liked that and what I really liked was the focus peaking. The lenses were really top-notch. But I missed the feel of a Nikon and again I won the argument with myself.
Last November I again justified my thoughts and in came a new Nikon D750 at a great price and with an OEM grip. I did purchase a few lenses. Out went the Fuji.
And after winning a few arguments with myself I’m happy.
I voted "not sure if I will or not".
But, I did have a Panasonic micro 4 thirds mirrorless that was fun. It was high enough quality to get me interested in doing better. So, now that I am invested in DSLR equipment it will be a long while before I decide throw it all out and start over again, as a Hobbyist.
D3400, D500, D7500, D850-
F mount Lenses Nikon 200-500, Tamron 150-600, Sigma 14-24 f/2.8 art, Tamron SP 24-70 f/2.8 G2, Tamron SP 70-200 f/2.8 G2

I know it would be nothing for a pro but for me this is a huge investment.
D7000 and Z50. D7000 usually has the 200-500 attached; Z50 for walk-around and vacation camera. For now, I’m keeping on the less expensive side. Returned a Z5 kitted with the 24-200mm. Loved the 24-200 “VR” lens.

I started DSLR in 2000 with a D70, early in Nikon’s digital DSLR history. im thinking they didn’t have FX then. My D70 broke around 2010, and I replaced it with the D7000 that I still own.

A couple of weeks ago, I thought that Nikon’s Z5 FX would wean me off of my long-standing DX use. It’s nice, maybe even nicer. But it couldn’t break my hold. Maybe I’ll try again later, when NAS hits too hard to ignore.

Most important for me are my lenses. I’ve collected a few too many DX lenses, and they are all good. If I change to FX, I’d feel compelled to purchase FX lenses. I’ve got more than enough gear to take good photos.
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D500 for wildlife/action, Z7 for objects, still-life, landscape, and an old nearly worn out D800 sometimes for landscape. What I don't like is not having an appropriate backup for wildlife.
I have owned mirrorless cameras, from Panasonic, but I don’t now. I found having a mix of DSLR and mirrorless to be a hassle, having to own two sets of lenses, batteries and such. A DSLR has been my main system for many years and stuck with it, selling the mirrorless gear. I Thought long and hard about going mirrorless for my primary camera, but then I looked at how much trouble it would take to sell/trade all my F-mount glass for whatever brand I would go for and decided that it would not be the right thing to do now. I could use an adapter, but that would leave all my AF/AF-D glass manual focus only, not appealing. I bought a D850 a few weeks back, after coming to this conclusion, even in the face of the fact that a replacement might be coming soon.
I'm currently shooting with a Nikon D850 and a Nikon Z7. Bought the Z7 because of declining health which I needed to lighten the load along with the number of focus points for Eye AF (I shoot mainly portraits). Learning curve is extreme between the two and the Z7 has some short comings/ differences that I learn mistake by mistake. Would rather stick with a DSLR but with my issues may not be possible.
D850. D810, D500 and as of last week a Z7. I also have a Sony a6500 which pretty much turned me against mirrorless cameras. I took a chance last week and ordered a new Z7 with FTZ and 24-70 f/4 lens. Now I'm trying to figure out how to convert my DSLR cameras to mirrorless. The only big dislike I have with the Z7 is it's too slow to focus for BIF's and moving wildlife. It does okay on landscapes, etc. but the D850 is still the king there.
Currently using D500 and would like to add a full frame body to gear list. Not considering Nikon mirrorless until it meets or exceeds DSLR autofocus and lowlight performance. If i were to buy today it would be D850 or used D5.
I've taken 50,000+ bird shots with a Sony A9 and it regularly fails to AF on a small static bird. Others have reported this as well, on DPReview, Fred Miranda and FB. (Happens with the A7R III too.)
It's easy to use on BIF with 10-20 fps without blackout and the IQ beats my D500 but if record shots are critical, keep clear.
I started out Pentax and developed all my own B&W for my local camera club in Scotland but was always a birdwatcher. BIG GAP, and then I started with a D70s put my boys on to D70S and D40 + gave my D70S to my daughter in law with 18-55 bought a D5100 moved on to a D7100 as well and now have a D500 which I dearly love and a new D750 which is just fantastic. My newly acquired 500PF and 24-85 is all I need for now I see no real attraction for mirrorless as I am a happy guy with my DSLRS but a wiser person than me said "never say never" and since I am old I use Gitzo everything as well as RRS bits and Wimberley. Isn't life just great?
Wow!!! I followed a very similar path except I started out with a Canon FTB (circa 1972). I switched over to Nikon (N80 film camera) in 2000 when I got an opportunity to travel to Japan for a couple of weeks. Digital was in its infancy (10 pics storage and ISO 100). I also went digital with the D70. Then D90, D7100, and now the D7500. I thought seriously about the D500, but descided it was more than I could afford. My interest in wildlife photography was fueled first by the Nikon 70-300, then by the Tamron 150-600 (at last, long glass I could afford).
So what about those mirrorless cameras. I really do enjoy new technology, but do need to hold back awhile. I keep reminding myself that with my skills as a photographer what they are, I’m not limited by my current rig. I still have things to learn before I NEED to upgrade.
Actually I do own a very powerful mirrorless camera I keep with me almost always. It’s my iPhone 11 Pro. I’m continually amazed at the photos I can take with that. Not like those I can get with my Tamron 150-600, but you know the saying: “the best camera is the one you have with you”.
Currently using D500 and would like to add a full frame body to gear list. Not considering Nikon mirrorless until it meets or exceeds DSLR autofocus and lowlight performance. If i were to buy today it would be D850 or used D5.
I couldn’t afford a D850 and got a very low shutter count D750 used and love it with my D500 and 500 PF plus 24-85
I shoot mostly birds of all kinds so my D810, D600, Df, D3 and D2xs all have their own uses. D3 and D2xs are for racing. D810 and D600 are for birds and the Df is for high ISO shooting. I don't see a mirrorless fitting in anywhere.
Had a Z7 for two years now, and my last 3 shoots have seen me leaving the D810 and the 2.8 Holy Trinity at home. With the lack of lenses for the Zcams being addressed by using some Sony glass on the TechArt adaptor
I am shooting mostly with the Z6. Sometimes the autofocus hunts when I am shooting hummingbirds. I use the D750 for events because of the 2nd card slot. I do like mirrorless for this venue because of the silent shutter.
I started my photography journey last year straight to mirrorless (Canon M50 then EOS R) as I thought it made sense for someone starting out at this point. I learnt a bunch and soon realised that wildlife was going to be my main use case. I ended up getting quite frustrated with the mirrorless cameras I had, EVF lag and low contrast focus accuracy pushed me to look harder and what I wanted out of a camera. Bought the D500/200-500 combo and I was instantly happier with how the camera worked. With that I had plans to keep my EOS R for everything else but soon got frustrated with switching between them, mainly around button layout (the D500 clicked for me regards this). Sold all of my Canon glass and the EOS R went and bought the D850 and more Nikon glass... happy. I really considered the Sony but hated it in my hand. Do miss some things with the mirrorless, mainly the live view focus. Will look at the Z6s when I comes out for a better low light camera if the EVF and AF are improved.
My vote was for both, but I can certainly see a time in the not-so-distant future where I'm 100% mirrorless.
Agreed. The Z7 is for everything except action, and it would only take an AF upgrade to replace my D500 with a Z6s. Just enough size and weight savings, amazing lenses, live histogram and exposure, zoom-in for focus check,etc. are just very nice to have.