Backyard Wildlife photos

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Two Harris’s Hawks shot from my backyard. They were in my neighbor’s tree. Nikon D500 with Nikon 500mm PF
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We have an above-ground goldfish pond in our back yard. A mink visits us on occasion. Nikon D850 wearing a 400mm f/2.8 VR lens.
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We have a lot of bold raccoons as well - so one evening I set up 3 studio strobes around the bird feeders. Nikon D850 wearing a 70-200 f/2.8e FL lens. (3) Einstein strobes.
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Not out my back door, but actually came inside our house!! This King Parrot is obviously very used to humans and must get fed around the area as this guy dec ided to fly into our house and sit atop my grandsons toy kitchen set. I just happened to have my Z7II + 50 f1.2S nearby and took a few shots whilst he sat there posing. In order to get him to go back outside, I put some birdseed in a wooden bowl and he gladly jumped on and I carried him and the bowl back outside!

He is now a regular visitor to our home, but we feed him outside.


Here are some other shots of visitors to our house.
King Parrot

Rainbow Lorikeet on our Banksia Tree out the front

Rainbow Lorikeet on our flowering gum out the front

Rainbow Lorikeet on out Bottle Brush out the front

Crimson Rosella on our back lawn

Australian Magpie
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Our old back yard 2-23-2019 ... we had snow ... taken out of my bathroom window .... it made a great blind ... put on warm clothes ... close vents and door and open the window enough to get the lens out :cool: Nikon D850 Tamron 70-200 f/2.8 G2.

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Not out my back door, but actually came inside our house!! This King Parrot is obviously very used to humans and must get fed around the area as this guy dec ided to fly into our house and sit atop my grandsons toy kitchen set. I just happened to have my Z7II + 50 f1.2S nearby and took a few shots whilst he sat there posing. In order to get him to go back outside, I put some birdseed in a wooden bowl and he gladly jumped on and I carried him and the bowl back outside!

He is now a regular visitor to our home, but we feed him outside.


Here are some other shots of visitors to our house.
King Parrot

Rainbow Lorikeet on our Banksia Tree out the front

Rainbow Lorikeet on our flowering gum out the front

Rainbow Lorikeet on out Bottle Brush out the front

Crimson Rosella on our back lawn

Australian Magpie
Wow, Lance B! You have quite the nice selection of avian subjects to photograph! Wonderful shots!