Best low light Nikon telephoto lenses

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My go to long lens for low light is a 600mm f/4.

Many prefer the 400mm f/2.8 but when I owned one I always had a TC mounted as 400mm is a bit short for my typical subjects.
Exactly why I went for the 600 f4TC. I was shooting at 600mm+ all the time, my most used lens was the 800PF so, when I was deliberating on whether to get the 400 f2.8TC or the 600 f4TC, the longer lens was it. :)
The fact of the matter is this. If I need 600mm, I will shoot 600mm regardless of what faster shorter lens I have. However, I do have three 600mm lenses to choose from, the Z180-600 f5.6-6.3, the Z600 f6.3 PF and the Z600 f4 TC and thus will choose the 600 f4 TC in low light if possible. If I need 200mm I will shoot the 70-200 f2.8. I don't think getting a 400 f2.8 TC and cropping to 600mm instead of a 600 f4 TC is not really the perfect solution, especially if you shoot at 600mm most often. In your case, the difference between the 600 f4 TC and 500 f5.6 PF is only a stop and may not be such a big difference. However, if noise is an issue, excellent noise reduction software can do wonders these days.

As Steve's excellent video points out, use the right focal length as it may be incorrect to use a shorter lens just because it is faster.