Best second nikon body and lens for wildlife photography

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Dear Fotoenthusiasts

I will soon go on a safari. I have already a Nikon Z8 with a Z 180-600mm lens which I will certainly take with me.
I am not yet sure what kind of second body and second lens I should bring along.
In my gearset I have already a 24-120mm, but this is a f4 lens. I have heard that a lot of times people make very good images at dusk or dawn, hence I am curious if it is very important also to bring along a faster lens, like the 70-200 f2.8.

As second body I thought to buy either a second z8 or a z9. What makes more sense?

If you would have any other great tips I would love to hear them. :)

Thanks and kind regards

I find Often animals/wildlife are more active at dusk and dawn and seek shade if possible in the heat of day.

While many lenses work well, i am a fan for several reasons of F2.8 or F4 glass F4 being primes.

As you have the 180-600 the range of 70-200 seems fitting to cover the focal range as well as it being F2.8, this would be my choice with a 1.4TC in my pocket.
I would keep the 24-120 in my bag as well for walk around documentary shots rounding out the kit to 3 only lenses.

The New ZF and Z6III has 3 extra stops of VR over the Z8 Z9 also 2 stops of extra low light focusing ability, this also compliments some of the slower F5.6 lenses especially for tracking and video.

These changes and more no doubt will appear in subsequent models forth coming.

An abstract view: The Z9 Z8 are top shelf super power tools, the ZF Z5 are lower shelf consumer tools, the much improved Z6III and soon to arrive Z7III is the sweet all around do all models semi pro enthusiast tools that are excellent and can meet more needs than what many people ever need.

Buying a Second camera, i wouldn't get a Z9 as its fruit about to fall of the tree ready for next seasons new plating ie: Z9II ?, plus there is the extra size and weight, as well as the used market has grown significantly which sends a message.

The Z8 to make a pair is a better choice to the other options of the ZF Z6III but mainly because of 45mp resolution etc.

A second camera i would prefer to be smaller and lighter if possible, but as i am a 45mp fan it would be a Z8 usually on sale till the Z7III comes out.

Some club members.......... I am seeing are building on the Z6III selling as a kit with the 24-120 as a starting point where its intended they are looking at adding the Z7III when it arrives, selling their Z8 Z9 to re position capital.

the rational is to
a) save mostly cost and reinvest capital into better glass
b) shed lots of weight and size, especially for traveling or walking.
c) the Z6III, and the Z7III when it arrives performance exceeds or meets 98% of their needs, and is a well matched pair of tools.
d) investing in better glass provides the most rewarding outcomes.

In your case for now the Summary is,
2 x Z 8 units, 180-600, 24-120, 70-200 F2.8, 1.4 Tc, the 70-200 F2.8 is amazingly sharp and defiantly performs in low light.

Only an opinion
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