Binoculars suggestion

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I have two pairs of Nikon Monarch binoculars. They are very nice for the cost and carry a lifetime warranty. Optics are very good and the binoculars are quite durable.

I like an 8x42 or something similar. This is a good balance of enough magnification and good light gathering capability. They are also not too big. I would use an 8x30 if my plan was for occasional use while photographing. Here my camera would have most of my attention and the binoculars would only have brief use looking at potential subjects. I's stay away from 10x or 12 x binoculars as they get big and heavy, and are harder to keep on the subject.
There were a couple threads here a while back with some really great info regarding binoculars and plus/ con of the types.

Hope this helps.
There were a couple threads here a while back with some really great info regarding binoculars and plus/ con of the types.

Hope this helps.
Thanks, will check them