Canon R5ii & R1 : Orders being taken.

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I think 24 would be plenty except wildlife is so unpredictable we need to crop to 24 sometimes. For me the R5 is the better do everything camera, but I could see the R1 for events, sports, weddings, portraits, news.
Yeah, I think 24MP is fine for most things but it is nice to have extra at times. The active follow AF for certain sports looks really cool. I think it would be interesting to try out. If it works as well as it appeared to, that will be a huge addition for sports shooters.
In my experience, the Nikon cameras are a bit more susceptible to moire though with the offset of providing sharper OOC files and they are better for landscape and astro work.

I guess I'd have to see apples to apples evidence that they were sharper as a broad generalization. Maybe compare similarly priced models and similar lenses. Maybe a R1 or R5ii with a 600 f4 compared to a Z9 or Z8 with a 600 f4 with the same test scene