Ears Up For the Photographer

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Holy crap! That’s really big. I thought it looked really large from the photo but had nothing to gauge it by.
Yah, and some of the males I swear are a lot more than 10 pounds! Next time I'll risk losing a finger or two by putting my hand in the shot for size perspective :)
Definitely a good hare day Steven! Was this cropped much using the 300mmpf or close? So its cold huh? It was 63 sunny today In Northern California and will be in low 70's most of next week. Need rain though.
Cropping for perspective and composition only, so no not a big crop; close. At one point one of these rabbits hopped up to with three or four feet of me sitting in the snow; too close at one point for minumum focusing distance or to get the whole rabbit on the shot. I wish I'd had on my new winter camo bib and jacket and could have credited that, but I was in jeans and an orange windbreaker so just my sitting still I guess did it.
Cropping for perspective and composition only, so no not a big crop; close. At one point one of these rabbits hopped up to with three or four feet of me sitting in the snow; too close at one point for minumum focusing distance or to get the whole rabbit on the shot. I wish I'd had on my new winter camo bib and jacket and could have credited that, but I was in jeans and an orange windbreaker so just my sitting still I guess did it.
I got a camo hide for Christmas but I have noticed that even the slightest movement moves whole hide (ie panning for shot) and spooks animals as much when out in brown jacket out at the local pond without! My best hide is a silver gmc truck. The hare sounds a bit people tolerant for an orange windbreaker. Maybe they are like deer, color blind.
OK now I'm convinced this rabbit is trained. Perfect BG to give a sense of location without distractions. Perfect pose. Crazy detail. Tell the truth this was shot in a studio, no?

Joking aside, this is really excellent. Well done.
I got a camo hide for Christmas but I have noticed that even the slightest movement moves whole hide (ie panning for shot) and spooks animals as much when out in brown jacket out at the local pond without! My best hide is a silver gmc truck. The hare sounds a bit people tolerant for an orange windbreaker. Maybe they are like deer, color blind.
This was taken maybe 300 meters from my apartment building's back door in a narrow but several blocks long green space right in the heart of this city of nearly a million people, so these rabbits are accustomed to people, but they really don't usually allow people to get 'real' close and normally amble away. Any movement by me during this shot and they would go on alert. They are nocturnal mostly, as well, and it is common when they're 'parked' in the grass or a snowbank they wait until the last minute when you approach them before rocketing from rest to being gone in an instant -- as my dog used to routinely discover :) This day tho the group of them were scrapping away the snow and feeding (and fighting a bit) and thus my delight to get the shot with the ears so nicely erect and displayed -- at rest, as a researcher once told me, they rely on predators to think them a rock or clump of snow and the ears are held down along the back.
OK now I'm convinced this rabbit is trained. Perfect BG to give a sense of location without distractions. Perfect pose. Crazy detail. Tell the truth this was shot in a studio, no?

Joking aside, this is really excellent. Well done.
Thank you, Dan. A trained killer, perhaps (see the link above re the Monty Python scene about killer rabbits :) ). Nicely, these guys were hanging out in and among and between a hedge row of blue spruce trees. The pose, at such short range certainly, I did take as a gift from the bunny god :)
Superb shot! Guess you must be liking the Z9. ;)
Thanks! I am enjoying the camera, yes. The AF is great, certainly. Along with the technology overall. The jury is still out generally on whether my user experience on the Z9 will surpass that of the D6 -- little things that I know will pass, but the 'wait' for the viewfinder to go live continues to annoy the hell out of me. Guess I've got to get in the habit of hitting a button all the time to keep the camera from going to rest, or likely find the menu and extend the time period :) I know, I'm old and resistant to change LOL
Thanks! I am enjoying the camera, yes. The AF is great, certainly. Along with the technology overall. The jury is still out generally on whether my user experience on the Z9 will surpass that of the D6 -- little things that I know will pass, but the 'wait' for the viewfinder to go live continues to annoy the hell out of me. Guess I've got to get in the habit of hitting a button all the time to keep the camera from going to rest, or likely find the menu and extend the time period :) I know, I'm old and resistant to change LOL
I too am old and resistant to change. I suspect there is something in the menu somewhere that will help fix that. Perhaps someone else with some Z9 experience will chime in here. :)
I too am old and resistant to change. I suspect there is something in the menu somewhere that will help fix that. Perhaps someone else with some Z9 experience will chime in here. :)
There is a menu to choose such times and I keep the 'go to sleep' times short for battery life reasons, I guess. It's really a case of getting used to (after decades of a mirrored viewfinder where what's in the lens is always there even if the camera is turned off) looking through the viewfinder before hitting any button and it being black and then the nano second for it to come to life after one does hit a button :)