First “freeze” with a Z8

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I had a lockup problem with my Z8. Had to do a full reset. Unfortunately had not saved my settings so buggerd about for 30 minutes trying to get them back. Sent the camera to Nikon who couldn’t find anything wrong. At the end of the day it is a computer and may need rebooting!
The internet is full of Freezing lock up issues for the Z8 Z9 even the Sony A1..............yet some people say its not happening is beyond me.

Issues are even in DSLRS, but when a camera recovers that's one thing, but when it doesn't for hours or and hours what are you supposed to do.

Even with premium cards the issue exists.............

Only an opinion
Agree and your right, i to never had issues with the DSLRS.

Today there are not as many issues with the Z cameras at the top level as Nikon it seems has finally gotten on top of things pretty much.

I will talk to pro grade by phone soon as i haven't got an email back yet.

If i go on a 4 day hike sleeping out, you cant carry much camera gear with you, so you need to firstly trust what you take with you, secondly compromise and make do with what you take, ergonomically it seems a 4/3rds systems like Fuji fit this situation well.

I would rather take the Z8 and 24-120, if my sample camera will be ok, but gee i love the 50mm 1.8s. it and the 70-200 fl are my two favorite tools.

Only an opinion
As you know, ML are a lot more complicated than the old DSLR's. Personally, I really think it is a card issue that you are having. I have not had my Z9 or Z8 ever freeze up or fail to operate and I use Delkin Black 325GB CF Express Type B, Delkin Power 128GB CF Express, Delkin Black 128 GB CF Express.
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Like your Subaru if you get caught and stuck once you become a little cautious where or when you go with it and that shouldn't be.
On this detail I am not cautious as the car always starts with a second press of the starter button.

I am aware battery powered advanced cameras can occasionally lock up from over 45 years of active usage.

An occasional lock up particularly in damp weather - as long as it remains occasional - does not concern me.

The usual effective workarounds of switch on and off or remove and replace the battery take only a few seconds.
In the over 45 years I have never failed to overcome the occasional but rare lock-up in under about 30 seconds.
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The internet is full of Freezing lock up issues for the Z8 Z9 even the Sony A1..............yet some people say its not happening is beyond me.

Issues are even in DSLRS, but when a camera recovers that's one thing, but when it doesn't for hours or and hours what are you supposed to do.

Even with premium cards the issue exists.............

Only an opinion
A lot of us have had 0 issues. Most of the time, the lockup appear to be card related. I'm not sure what else to tell you.
The internet is full of Freezing lock up issues for the Z8 Z9 even the Sony A1..............yet some people say its not happening is beyond me.
The internet and reality are rarely synomous.

Occasional one off - likely - "full of" - is IMO a long, long way from the reality.

I know 9 other owners - none have mentioned a lock-up.
As you know, ML are a lot more complicated than the old DSLR's. Personally, I really think it is a card issue that you are having. I have not had my Z9 or Z8 ever freeze up or fail to operate and I use Delkin Black 325GB CF Express Type B, Delkin Power 128GB CF Express, Delkin Black 128 GB CF Express.

Hi Lance the above link with Pro Grade is interesting.

I have refreshed the cards with the Pro Grade tool and formatted them again to the specific camera, here after i will see how it goes before acquiring new cards.
I will give the Delkin Black a go if new cards are needed.

Thanks to everyone and the OP thread starter ajrmd for all the suggestions.
Hi Lance the above link with Pro Grade is interesting.

I have refreshed the cards with the Pro Grade tool and formatted them again to the specific camera, here after i will see how it goes before acquiring new cards.
I will give the Delkin Black a go if new cards are needed.
While there seems no equivalent tool for Delkin, there is mention of some forgeries, some cameras needing faster card, and some cards being released labelled with too slow R/W speeds
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I have forward the card serial numbers to Pro Grade support and await feedback.

I spoke with two club members who own the Z8 Z9, they have the same 325 G Cobalt cards also bought at the same time i did when the Z9 first came out,
they say they have had no issues what so ever with either camera locking up freezing or occasional image review failure, they were not aware of the Pro Grade refresh tool.

For myself refreshing the cards back to factory specs and getting the Re Fresh health check clearance, reformatting the camera and starting clean is on the drawing board.

No doubt it may be a simple case of the cards having been corrupted in some way................... i am starting from here first.

Then observe.