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Jonathon, Beautiful set. They are fun to watch. It’s exciting when you get your first opportunity to photograph an animal. Well done👍👍👍
Did you have to deal with a crowd of onlookers or other photographers? Just curious.

When I first arrived at sunrise, there was just (1) other person there.

It's worth noting that this spot, being in the heart of Chicago and a popular park to begin with, grew a lot of attention over the time they were there.

As such, the city blocked off parts of the park from people to help keep them safe.

Even still, the foxes were free to roam whenever they wanted.

If memory serves me, I arrived around 6am and had left by a little after 7am. Might had been 730am. There were probably a dozen onlookers when I left, some being photographers. Many people were photographing them from behind the fence. I was able to find other spots and waited for my opportunities.
When I first arrived at sunrise, there was just (1) other person there.

It's worth noting that this spot, being in the heart of Chicago and a popular park to begin with, grew a lot of attention over the time they were there.

As such, the city blocked off parts of the park from people to help keep them safe.

Even still, the foxes were free to roam whenever they wanted.

If memory serves me, I arrived around 6am and had left by a little after 7am. Might had been 730am. There were probably a dozen onlookers when I left, some being photographers. Many people were photographing them from behind the fence. I was able to find other spots and waited for my opportunities.
We had a family of foxes at a beach near where I live. The situation sounds similar to yours. High traffic area(boardwalk) and the town blocked off the area. People would gather but not too crazy.
I wanted to go a 2nd time, but was more than content with my experience and photos and just seeing what I had. I tend to try not overstaying my welcome when it comes to wildlife in general. Largely depends on the subject type and situation too.
Earlier this year I had the opportunity to photograph a fox family for the first time ever.

There was dad, mom and 3 kits in a very small park right in the center of Chicago.

To have a fox family there was quite the surprise and the fact that they flourished was quite remarkable to boot.

I went at sunrise one morning during the week and was super fortunate to have them all be super active thadafirst hour of daylight.

Thankful for the opportunity I had and time spent watching them play as a family.

Awesome images! I love seeing a fox in the wild and I'm sure you were happy as can be getting these images!