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I saw one do the same thing in our back yard one day, only on pine straw vs mulch. Researched a bit and it seems they are sunning. I thought it was badly injured at the time, until it made a couple of adjustments and eventually flew away.Noon on a hot summer's day in Ontario. This European Starling was either sunbathing or trying to cool off in one of our flower beds, not sure which.
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Nice half a linas! Very coolTwo Half-A-LinasView attachment 3236
I like them all a lot, but the one on top touches me mostI have a couple of the Superb Fairy Wrens
On the fence outside our living room window, it may have seen me trying to take the picture.
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This one taken one late grey overcast afternoon, is this the golden hour light I wonder?
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Look how big and noisy I am!
For their size these birds make a LOT of noise.
BeautifulOfficer, hView attachment 3314e went that way!!