Images directly to hard drive

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Forgive me if this has been previously discussed and I really am asking for a friend! Is it possible to record or transfer images from a Z8 directly to a portable hard drive? He needs to save weight on his trip and wants to leave his laptop at home if possible. Thank you.

Maybe these threads will help............................
Best solution is to buy more memory cards. Your friend can decide how fast the cards need to be based on how much they do long bursts at high fps rates or shoot 4K video. If not needing high write speeds then one can purchase memory cards for half as much. Even the high speed Delkin Power CFexpress 1TB cards sell for $340 and will hold 38 hours of 4K 30p video or more than 14,000 NEF files. Easy enough for your friend to review past trips and have a rough idea of how many image file captures he has done with similar trips.

In the past 20 years of shooting with digital cameras I have had a total of 3 defective memory cards (one CF, one SD, and one XQD) and I have lost a total of 3 image files with corruption and bad sectors on the card. There is no need to back the cards up to a second device unless it is a concern over theft. I keep my memory card wallet on my person unless I am in bed sleeping or taking a shower and so there is very little chance someone is going to steal it.
If the camera has two card slots, you can just copy from card 1 to card 2 using the camera (depending on the camera). If the backup card gets full, take it out, store it somewhere safe, and put in a fresh one. A 256GB card is not expensive and can hold a TON of photos. You can make additional copies if you want and mail one home.