Is this over-sharpened?

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When I opened this thread I was immediately thinking, "Oh, I want to take photos that look this great!"

Now that I have been looking at it for a while, I am thinking, "Oh, I want to take photos that look this great!"
Thank you for your thoughts. I have to admit: I cheated. I placed the Pyrocantha berries hanging from a pole. I calculated the DOF at 8" (f/8.0, 400 mm, distance of 25') and placed the perch, berries and where I thought the bird might come from within that DOF (spot focus was on the bird's eye).
I rather like the sharp berries. Creating pleasing perches and attracting birds is an art form. Nicely done! Might I ask where you go them? I also like the pose of the bird. I don't think it is over sharpened.