Is this too yellow?

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Depends…if this is golden hour or you prefer that light color…it’s just fine. For me though…and it’s an entirely subjective thinot…I would cool the temp off a bit to reduce it…but it’s a good shot as is and if you like it…that’s what counts
Thank you. I have enjoyed seeing other people's opinion on this shot.
Not to yellow for my liking , for me it shows golden hour as is should be . You`ve gotten a good mixture of opinions ..

Truly! I think the difference in opinions reflect my own questioning of the shot. One time I look at it and I am very happy; the next time I feel l need to cool it off a bit.
Whether an image is too anything is in the eye of the beholder. As some others have said above I typically aim for re-creating the scene as I remember it. You say the WB was left "as shot". If the camera was set to auto WB then the SOOC image is already less yellow/golden than the actual scene due to the camera trying to "correct" WB. That said it is likely too yellow for most people's taste. A compromise would be to selectively cool the color on the birds while leaving the overall golden hour colors. IMO in these cases truly "correcting" WB for golden hour shots is non-sensical. The whole point of shooting then is for the rich colored light.