Should there be a category for Non-Wildlife Wildlife in addition to Wildlife, Landscape, Macro?
In reading this thread and fashioning this post, I never realized the complexity of this topic and how sensitive it could be. I never gave it much thought before as I am very new to my ventures into capturing wildlife imagery.
I would have to say I am in the camp that certainly wouldn't want to see any actions by a photographer that would upset the wild natural behavior of the subject. Where does the fine line get drawn? Any time food is put out to attract wildlife, is that baiting? Does that include bird feeders? Are bird feeders adverse to the food gathering natural behavior of those that feed off the bird feeder? I just watched a video from the local nature preserve about setting up feeders and what to place in them to attract a particular bird. Are they actually hurting the wildlife they believe they are helping? I was actually planning on putting feeders out to photograph birds, but know I'm reconsidering. I question now whether that is good for the survival of the wildlife. I guess I'd have to say I would be averse to any type of feeding of wildlife.
I love nature and would not wish to upset it in any way. I'm thinking back to some of the images I have captured. Did I get too close to the Mallard ducks causing them stress and to flee my presence? I plead guilty. It wasn't intentional, but it happened. Was that bad for the animal? With regard to the Hawks and Owls I've photographed, did my presence change their behavior or raise their stress level. I couldn't get close to them so I'm thinking not. For all the other mammals I've photographed, I'm not sure.
As to the integrity of the presentation of the images I've taken. I would never represent them as being taken in an environment other than where they were actually taken. If in the zoo, I usually title it or certainly keyword it that way. I've shot images in the zoo. I've also shot images in the wildest of areas I could find around the suburbs of Chicago. Hahaha! I've never presented them in any fashion other than in the environment/location they were taken. I could see how integrity could come into play.
I want to thank everyone for their input into this thread. My awareness has certainly been heightened on several aspects of wildlife photography. I definitely will be putting more thought into all future attempts at capturing the beauty of nature.