Lost a days shooting on A Nikon Z8- what happened?

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Just remember that even when files are deleted, they are still there! A delete only removes the Master File Table (MFT) entries, not the files themselves. Superior file recovery software can usually recreate the entries if that was the case. Finally, I suspect that just one file was corrupted which would then hang the LR copy process. Once the files are recovered on the Delkin card, try copying the files manually with Windows file explorer, one by one, until you find the corrupt file. It might take awhile but you will be more successful for the effort.
I did recover the files first then bring them into LR. The damaged files showed up as part of the recovery process so were easy to identify and thankfully weren't "valuable" enough (you could tell what the images were) to try harder to recover them.
As a matter of course I always connect my Z cameras to my MacBook USB-C to USB-C, open Lightroom Classic and import directly from the camera into LRC. That creates a file with the NEF’s on my computer - this I then copy to an external drive, and my Mac is set to automatically upload all image files immediately to my DropBox cloud. So, The NEF’s are still on the card, on my Mac, on a back-up SSD, on the cloud. And the card has not been removed from the camera which is when the possibility of damage could occur. Call me paranoid!
Does sound like you are covering all the bases! I have to say I don't consider pulling the card to copy with a reader very high risk but I guess in this case I likely could have grabbed my shots before they "disappeared". I'm normally feeling good once I have the shots in two places, one for working and one as back up (normally the memory card until I do final backing up to duplicate SSDs and some online). I will give the camera USB a try but will likely stick with a card reader and importing using LR. I won't ever edit on the original memory card or even delete for that matter.
Cool shots glad you could recover them !

Not sure how windows works but for years with my apple desktops I have put my Delkin and Prograde cards in my card reader and then opened the card and dragged and dropped the image file to my desktop. Years ago I had hiccups with Nikon transfer so just simplified everything.

From the desk top I can use Photo Mechanic 6 for fast culling, NX studio for analysis or processing and then import the images from my desk top to my Light Room Classic catalog and that puts it on my SSD hard drive where all of my images and LRC presets are along with the catalog and catalog back ups. I use Carbon Copy Cloner to make exact copies to 4 other ssd's and one is always in my safety deposit box. Yeah I am a bit anal.
Ha Ha Yes you are but sometimes that's a good thing. I am a windows guy and typically copy everything over first thing. Before I used LR this would be copying in Windows and then using Nikon Software. With LR I feel pretty safe using LR to do the initial copy.
Congratulations on recovering the photos. Great shots!

To answer your other question, you can transfer files directly (as RAW or JPG files) in Windows or the Mac Finder, and then import into LR. I always do this, as a way to keep any other SW out of the loop until my pictures are safely on a drive (and backed up).
Thanks, will be giving that a try.