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The economics of a print magazine are terrible. I've been involved with a number of print magazines and newsletters that have gone to digital only - and the quality improved. Postage, printing and paper are terribly expensive. Editorial costs are fixed regardless of whether your readership goes up or down - and generally it is dropping. Layout and proofing costs are high - and need to be duplicated with a completely new version for digital formats. And the future of digital is embedded video, links, added extras, etc. Even if you go the print on demand route, you're looking at $20-30 per issue for print and delivery cost.

Nikon Owner magazine does a great job. I've just heard about Wild Eye - and it's apparently picking up some columnists from Outdoor.
I'm not sure picking up columnists from Outdoor is necessarily a good thing, I got pretty bored with their articles. Could be just me though....
Really Right Stuff (US manufacturer of high end tropds and camera plates) used to send out a nice print magazine called Light & Shadow. Sadly it looks like it is now all digital, in the format of individual articles (blog posts) and not per se a digital magazine format. However it is free and worth looking at:
They screwed up the scaling for the phone! And heavily edited my interview. For some reason they left out the Nikon references. That's me, second article.
The only photography magazine of any genre that I read in hardcopy form is ‘Nikon Owner’ produced by Grays of Westminster. It’s published on high quality glossy paper and the photos in it are beautifully rendered. I don’t know how it’s affordable to produce a magazine like that anymore, but I’m glad they’re doing it.
In the UK there is also the near equal quality Outdoor Photography - with a mix of landscape and wildlife photos - though I consider the written content quite low standard.
Unfortunately, the new Wild Eye magazine that I referenced earlier is backtracking on their intial pledge to start print issues with the second issue. They now say if you subscribe, the entire first year (four issues) will be digital only. I have no interest in a digital version, so I will not be subscribing.