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I’m new here and this is my first post. I’m Philippe, from France. I live in Lyon.

A few months ago, I bought a second Sony A1 with a 600mm GM (I already owned an A1 + 200-600 G).
To get the most of both combos, I spent hours (cumulated days) reading Steve’s Sony A1 Ultimate Guide and watching his multiple / excellent videos.

I used all this material this summer in Brazil, in the Atlantic Forest and photographing Pantanal’s wildlife as well.

There is no doubt that the valuable advice provided by Steve allowed me to use the (A1 + 600mm) much better than in a “standard configuration” like "A" mode for example.

I had the opportunity to thank Steve for the quality of his sharing, both for the precision of the topics and for their variety.

Now it’s time for photographs. If you want to see more of my pictures, you can visit my website www.philippedestine.com

Of course, your comments are welcome.

I am very happy to join BCG community, to learn even more about wildlife photography.

Kind regards.

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What an awesome shot, welcome to the forum.
Fantastic image indeed, well done. Was it shot from a boat?
The Brazilian jaguar has the most powerful bite of all felines. They even crush the skull of caymans.
If you are interested in jaguars, I can recommend two Brazilian photographers: Araquém Alcântara (a true pioneer of wildlife photography) and Henrique Olsen. Both can be found on Instagram. Araquém has published many books, I can recommend "Terra Brasil" (Land Brazil).
Fantastic image indeed, well done. Was it shot from a boat?
The Brazilian jaguar has the most powerful bite of all felines. They even crush the skull of caymans.
If you are interested in jaguars, I can recommend two Brazilian photographers: Araquém Alcântara (a true pioneer of wildlife photography) and Henrique Olsen. Both can be found on Instagram. Araquém has published many books, I can recommend "Terra Brasil" (Land Brazil).
Thank you for your comment and the information you've provided. I will look at it in detail.
Yes, the picture was taken from a boat. Jaguars often come to the river bank looking for prey.