Hi CentralCoast,Wow. It must have been a labor of love
Yes indeed, you've hit the nail right on the head, it surely was a labour of love. I didn't know a single thing about Sandhill Cranes because they are so rare here and I've made several unsuccessful attempts to get even a good photograph over the last 10 years. So one day last November I was treated to several hours of video recording time with these Cranes displaying a whole variety of behaviours that I had never seen or known about.
A great deal of my time during editing this video was spent watching my own footage over and over and then doing a lot of research on the internet to learn what these behaviours are and what they mean. I soon began to realize that despite some poor image quality footage I had an audio-visual wildlife treasure in my possession. It was then I determined to spend the necessary time to try to turn this footage into a real wildlife documentary short film to the best of my ability. The more I learned about these beautiful, fascination birds, their lives and their amazing interactions, the more my wife and fell in love with them. We now watch and enjoy this film over and over again and we are so delighted that others are enjoying it too.
Thanks for watching and for your kind comment.
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