My wife wants Canon, but I'm shooting Nikon.

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I do not have the Z 600 TC. I do have the Z 400 TC (which I bought earlier this year) and the Z 800 PF. I use them on a Z9 and Z8.

I was in Botswana recently for 3 1/2 weeks and used the Z 400 mm TC lens as my principal lens on the Z9. I took slightly more photos with the built-in TC engaged (560 mm at f4) than without (400 mm at f2.8). The built-in TC is a wonderful feature. It allows a very quick deployment of the TC. And it avoids the need to take the lens off to add a TC — very valuable when you are in adverse conditions (dust, sand, salt spray, rain, and the like).

I felt the Z 400 mm TC lens was the ideal lens for my Botswana trip and a trip later this fall to British Columbia to photograph spirit bears. Given I would need the lens for 6 weeks minimum, I thought it would be cheaper to buy the lens and resell it (if I did not like it enough) than rent it (especially with insurance). But I liked the lens so much, I plan to keep it. F2.8 is great and so is the built-in TC.

One of the participants on my Botswana trip brought both the Z 400 TC and the Z 600 TC. She fit them both in a Gura Gear backpack with a Z9 — I was impressed by that. Given our trip, she used mostly the Z 400 TC.

All this has me thinking about the Z 600 mm TC. Would be an amazing lens to have.
Off main thread topic but by chance do you recall how the 400TC + 600TC + Z9 were made to fit what I presume was a Gura Kiboko 30L? Doing it with OEM lens hoods (or matched Zemlin replacements) seems impossible.
Yes, but it has to be extended to 300mm before popping the TC on and one looses any wide.
So one can't zoom back out once the TC is on? Hadn't heard this before. Weird. I was recently shooting next to a Canon shooter (the R5) and she kept filling her buffer and then having to stop shooting. Seemed crazy to me. Guess each system has its limitations. Have stuck with Nikon since I took up photography after retirement (about 10 years ago). My wife, who shoots much less than me, is happy to use my Nikon gear since then I can answer her questions in the field versus another system though have offered to get her whatever she wants (the OM or Sony RX10 to be lighter, etc). I can imagine scenarios where couples might be better off with different gear so that they wouldn't fight over a particular lens, etc. Whatever works is my motto.
Off main thread topic but by chance do you recall how the 400TC + 600TC + Z9 were made to fit what I presume was a Gura Kiboko 30L? Doing it with OEM lens hoods (or matched Zemlin replacements) seems impossible.
yes, a Kiboku 30L. One side had the 400 TC and a Z9 (not attached). The other side had the 600 TC. She used the Nikon OEM hoods. I think (but not entirely sure — may have been in luggage for plane travel) they were on the lens reversed, not in shooting position.

I‘ve ordered a Kiboku 30L (not the 30L+) to use with my 400 TC and 800 mm PF but can’t have it until Fathers Day.
So one can't zoom back out once the TC is on? Hadn't heard this before. Weird. I was recently shooting next to a Canon shooter (the R5) and she kept filling her buffer and then having to stop shooting. Seemed crazy to me. Guess each system has its limitations. Have stuck with Nikon since I took up photography after retirement (about 10 years ago). My wife, who shoots much less than me, is happy to use my Nikon gear since then I can answer her questions in the field versus another system though have offered to get her whatever she wants (the OM or Sony RX10 to be lighter, etc). I can imagine scenarios where couples might be better off with different gear so that they wouldn't fight over a particular lens, etc. Whatever works is my motto.
The 100-500 is a sharp, relatively lightweight, and quick AF'ing lens which due to the lens and TC design (the 1.4x TC has an optical element which bayonets out into the lens and the lens' rear element is close to the mount), the lens has to be extended to 300mm for it to fit. It can't be retracted at this point beyond that creating an effective FL of 300-700).
If if the difference was Ford/Chevy, PC/Mac, ...would it matter

Unless (1) you plan on sharing equipment or (2) your wife will be asking your detailed equipment (not photographic) techniques, does it matter?

I would talk to her a bit about the pros and cons of same versus different system, then let her decide.
I'm stuck between two systems: Canon & Nikon. I started with Canon, but switched over to Nikon because of the 800pf lens. But I kept some of the Canon gear because now my wife shoots it. She wants to stay on Canon and is interested in the Canon R5 II to pair with the 100-500 that we have. I've been saving up for a 600 f4 because I'm finding that 800 is often too much and a want to prioritize having more light over reach. So my dilema is:
  • I actually prefer the Canon bodies and ergonomics and my wife DEFINITELY does and doesn't want to be on just the Nikon system.
  • From a lens standpoint, I'm inclined to stay on Nikon and get the 600 TC and let her stay on Canon
  • Gear for a trip would R5 + 100-500; Z8 + 600 TC
  • Back up camera/lens is unknown given the two systems...looking for suggestions
I could consider the R5+100-500 as a backup to the Nikon setup, but I'm thinking that a second Z8 body would be better so I don't loose access to the 600 TC on a trip. I can't see getting the Z 100-400 since that's redundant with the 100-500 and I'd prefer not to have 3 bodies since a second Z8 would be collecting dust when it's not being used as a backup.

Am I overvaluing the built-in TC and I should just get the Canon RF 600 F4 and a second R5? There is no scenario where we don't have Canon for my wife. I'm perfectly happy with the Canon bodies, but don't like the idea of swapping out TCs in the field. That's the ONLY reason that I would be on two systems. I have no concerns about IQ, AF, or ability to get shots on either system.

Can someone tell me I'm crazy for using Nikon just for the 600 TC and Canon for everything else?
Stick with Nikon and get a new wife. Might be cheaper in the long run. 🥴
I'm a bit late to this conversation and see you're going to keep Canon for your wife and go with the 600TC. Good choice.

Just wanted to suggest I don't think you'll have any regrets. I had ordered the 400TC for a few reasons, but opted for the 600TC as opportunity presented soon after it was released. The 400TC is a magnificent lens, but I have no regrets I went with the 600TC. I was recently photographing birds with the Z9 at what was literally a puddle on a dirt road, barely beyond the minimum focusing distance. I probably shot 70% at 840mm f/5.6 and got my best portrait shots with that. However, the 600mm gave me some great pics as well and I wouldn't have liked to have been without either. The dry and dusty conditions would not have been a good option for adding/removing TC's. I also took a few with the Z8/ 400 F4.5, for a couple of wider pics.
First pic @600mm, other 2 @ 840mm
Critically Endangered.jpg
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Mexican standoff.jpg
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Can someone tell me I'm crazy for using Nikon just for the 600 TC and Canon for everything else?

To be honest?
Short answer..
Yes you’re crazy LOL
Long answer…
Yes you’re crazy overrating the inbuilt TC to the extent of making it this important.
Imo you’re answering your question yourself.
-There’s nothing you can’t do more or less with either brand.
-You favor the Canon bodies.
-A backup camera would be a simple choice.
-Your wife would be happy (to use your exotics LOL)

Using TC’s would be somewhat less easy and most of all slower to do, but with 45mp you could allso switch to cropmode when really in a hurry,
(Btw the 4K price difference between a Nikon 600 F4 TC and a Canon 600 F4 RF would pay for your backup body)