Negative comments only....

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I am still of the opinion that the photograph is crap. It does not do anything for me. Other people may well find something in the photograph that does something for them. I have no problem with that. Elsa says: "But you can't decide what's valid and what's not, as this is subjective." I agree with that. One of my favorite photographers is Eugene Smith. Some of his photographs have a profound effect on me. That does not entail that I think his series 'From the Loft' is worth the time looking at. I think it's crap.
I watch 'Fake or Fortune' [the tv show]. It is entertaining but imo grounded on a premise that is bs.
Wes posted: "I want valid negative comments because hearing "nice photo" has zero benefit to me. I want to know what I "missed"." Seems reasonable at first glance but then who decides the validity of negative comments? Also, what is missed is subjective so defies explanation.
Are there valid comments? Arguments that are deductive can be valid but only if the premises are accepted as true. Then again there are lots of logics. Is a logic discovered or invented?
Who gives a flying sexual connection. And so it goes on and on and on.
You asked for comments on the photograph Wes. My comment is it is crap.
I agree a split-second later would have made it much better, but to say it is crap is just wrong. Great low angle, unique way looking at the heron, nice splash effect, great reflection, sharp, BG that makes it pop.
I keep it simple anymore. I used to listen to others, but it became frustrating because I couldn't change my pic to please everyone. So now I aim to please myself with my likes and if people like my picture, then I know they like my picture for my style/likes and not someone else's.
I am still of the opinion that the photograph is crap. It does not do anything for me. Other people may well find something in the photograph that does something for them. I have no problem with that. Elsa says: "But you can't decide what's valid and what's not, as this is subjective." I agree with that. One of my favorite photographers is Eugene Smith. Some of his photographs have a profound effect on me. That does not entail that I think his series 'From the Loft' is worth the time looking at. I think it's crap.
I watch 'Fake or Fortune' [the tv show]. It is entertaining but imo grounded on a premise that is bs.
Wes posted: "I want valid negative comments because hearing "nice photo" has zero benefit to me. I want to know what I "missed"." Seems reasonable at first glance but then who decides the validity of negative comments? Also, what is missed is subjective so defies explanation.
Are there valid comments? Arguments that are deductive can be valid but only if the premises are accepted as true. Then again there are lots of logics. Is a logic discovered or invented?
Who gives a flying sexual connection. And so it goes on and on and on.
You asked for comments on the photograph Wes. My comment is it is crap.
Well thanks for AGAIN clarifying that you think its crap. I look forward to maybe getting a chance critique of some of your photos! lol
Well thanks for AGAIN clarifying that you think its crap. I look forward to maybe getting a chance critique of some of your photos! lol
I have posted a few. I am of the humble opinion that each one I posted is perfect. Nothing could improve them. Like myself they are perfect. I know I'm perfect, it's just a fact. Ask anyone that is worth listening to and they will confirm that I am perfect. I have tried to be sensible. It just does not work. So poooooooooooooooooooooooo!
PS When I see something I like I say so.
When someone asks for a negative comment I don't wish to be rude so provide one.
It's crap. The colors don't work. Have you considered doing brass rubbings as a hobby?
Fair enough if you think it's crap and to say so, but to say it without any substantive reasons why kinda makes your comment crap. If you were serious you wouldn't have made the mean spirted (and totally unnecessary) comment about about taking up brass rubbing as a hobby.
But, nice troll.
I like a lot of things about the photo. It's a good concept. But for my eye, timing is everything. I'd like to see the eye of the bird. That can be a fraction of a second earlier or later. And yes - it may change the splash and the drops, but I still think the eye is important.

From a contest perspective, not all contests prohibit cloning. Fixing the bright spot would be fine from an artistic perspective. If you had two frames at a high frame rate, I might combine the water and splash of this image with a frame that shows the eye. You could even edit the layout and number of drops flying through the air. Julieanne Kost has some very nice images where she has cloned out individual bubbles on the surface of the water to make the overall effect more pleasing to the eye (we're talking about an hour or more of cloning - not a few bubbles). It all boils down to whether you are editing for documentary use, contests, or fine art.
Fair enough if you think it's crap and to say so, but to say it without any substantive reasons why kinda makes your comment crap. If you were serious you wouldn't have made the mean spirted (and totally unnecessary) comment about about taking up brass rubbing as a hobby.
But, nice troll.
Thank you for your post. I appreciate the comments you have made and will take them into consideration before I make further posts. The simple yet effective venom of your post shows you have intense feelings. Have you considered group therapy?

This should be fun. I dont want positive feedback, I want to know whats "wrong" with this photo. Be as savage as you want I have thicker skin than most.
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The larger white round point bottom right needs to be considered if cloning it out works or doesn't and determine what purpose it serves.

While i completely accept this as a well taken organic photo, by comparison i wonder if and what AI will eventually deliver in the near future.

Could the white highlights be a little less bright and contain a little more detail, very possibly so.

That said If i was taking this shot with a D5 awesome camera, and a 600 F4 at F4 stunning lens, i would never ever use the D5 with out the EV being on -0.7 default for me or -1, where there is bright whites, in my case waterfalls or surf conditions especially.

I shoot for the whites or skin tones, my default on DSLRS in these situations is usually -0.7 to -1 EV, the D5 has amazing shadow recovery detail as you may well know.

I like the photo,
Well captured moment.
I like the fact that its taken at ground level adding power to the image.
The B and W is lovely and also adds to the power of the image, if it was in colour it wouldn't seem as nice or as strong.
The lighting is excellent i am intrigued as to how it was achieved.
For the viewer the action and composure it creates wonder ie: what is the catch going to be, all adding to the story.
The dramatic action of the beak spearing into the water creating bubbles in the air and splashes adding reflections, indicates fast action all captured technically well.
The movement of the feet is descriptive of reach rather then running, telling me it was poised and watching.
I find that the lack of eye is not an issue, and not always necessary, if anything in this composition adds to the drama and intrigue, the viewers eye goes to the brightest spot of an image usually so in this case the attention is well captured to the point of interest, asking the question whats it caught ?

All together technically good, great capture artistic. Powerful compositing with unique lighting.

Only an opinion
I guess I'll just leave this here...

Splash of Light.jpg
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Congratulations on your award. I am happy for you. Now perhaps if the eye was showing you would have won 😂
Jokes aside - it is a lovely image. And I am glad you received recognition for it. especially since you saw the potential in your image.
Interesting - and I haven't read the entire thread yet - but the biggest disconnect for me was the sharness of the water splash vs the bird. That threw me "off." Was that actually how it was shot or did you post process it that way.
Well, you did get some negative comments! I guess it was a successful question from that standpoint. Looks like the pic was successful though!

I like the overall look of the picture quite a bit; to me it is different and interesting. I agree with the posters who think it would be improved by cleaning up the bright area on the lower right hand side, also the lighter spots to the left just above the water are also a bit distracting.

Now, the eye thing ... I don't think every picture needs a tack sharp eye, though well, it's a good thing. That said, to me this image is sort of .. unbalanced because we can't see any of the bird's head. An image where we could see the outline of the head, even if it was obscured by/ coming out of the water would fit my eye better.

I like the feel and vibe of the photo, some of the details don't quite work as well for me, in particular the non-existent head.