New Adobe Terms

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Another defensive thing to do is never post full resolution (I don't except for very rare tight crops to demonstrate resolving power) - the small the better.

It's been a long time since I posted anything larger than 1000mb on the long side and I can't see that ever changing.

Since I don't use PS or LR, what Adobe does doesn't matter to me personally, but I've never trusted any business to do anything other than that which helps their bottom line. If you believe otherwise you're really naïve.
It's been a long time since I posted anything larger than 1000mb on the long side and I can't see that ever changing.

Since I don't use PS or LR, what Adobe does doesn't matter to me personally, but I've never trusted any business to do anything other than that which helps their bottom line. If you believe otherwise you're really naïve.
just curious Woody, which business are you helping with their bottom line if not Adobe? C1, DXO, Topaz?

Of all of them Adobe to seems to do right in the end because they have so much to lose. IMO.
not that anyone cares, but i’ll never click on a Tony Northrup video after he accused Steve McCurry of misconduct over the Afghan Girl photo without the evidence such accusations require. it’s hard to see now what exactly transpired there since he was allowed to drop in revised videos so what we see now is a revisionist history, but some of us remember what was very poor behavior and not worthy of rewarding with clicks or other support

What does this have to do with his PERTINENT reading of what adobe imposes on its users in a relatively well-concealed way for the most part of them ?

Calling someone paranoid, for example, doesn't mean he is wrong, even if he is paranoid.

Your rhetoric is pernicious.
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What does this have to do with his PERTINENT reading of what adobe imposes on its users in a relatively well-concealed way for the most part of them ?

Calling someone paranoid, for example, doesn't mean he is wrong, even if he is paranoid.

Your rhetoric is pernicious.
it’s relevant because someone posted a link to his video and i thought people should know what kind of guy he was so they could take that into consideration if they want to click on his link and thus support him

some might suggest slandering someone for clicks as pernicious 🤣

but everyone is free to decide to click, or not, or even take umbrage that i mentioned it in the first place

it’s relevant because someone posted a link to his video and i thought people should know what kind of guy he was so they could take that into consideration if they want to click on his link and thus support him

some might suggest slandering someone for clicks as pernicious 🤣

but everyone is free to decide to click, or not, or even take umbrage that i mentioned it in the first place

ok, so you prefer people don't look it's video because of what the guy is but not what he said. (I don't know this guy anyway).

What do you think of this one (I don't know the guy neither) - if you are able to forget the tone (I don't like the tone) and focus to the content :

But I think the more interesting thing that maybe can make a beginning of change is that :
what do you think of this last one ?
And what about ftc sue against adobe ?
Are they wrongly informed ?
i don’t like those types of termination penalties, and i’d be happy if they discontinue this practice

not just adobe, but in general as these types of cancellation fees are common.

my pet insurance is similar, the contract states i’m signing up for the year even though i pay monthly, so if i were to cancel there’d be a lot of fees
I fully agree about influencers (this is why I don't know any of the guys above).

But what about ftc sue against adobe ?
Are they wrongly informed ?
This is topic drift (not related to the Adobe Terms relating to this thread), movement of goal posts.

But just because the DOJ is suing Adobe over subscriptions and they've likely studied the materials before doing so (so yes, they are informed) doesn't make them right.

I personally have not been confused by Adobe's terms for their APM plan (with ETF). Most of the people I've seen complaining about this over the years say "I thought I could quit at any time and the subscription would end!", meaning they signed up without reading the terms user agreement, which clearly states "Annual, Paid Monthly".

And maybe I missed it, but I don't think the DOJ is involved in any way regarding the Adobe terms in respect to this topic.

Let's hope dollars votes will help to make those practices to disappear or change.

But adobe is powerfull enough to invade social networks with such reactions that seem not to come from them.
"Hey guys, I fully understand you, you have to choose to do the right think, but think about it : you have no real choice ...".

We'll see if this time (because it's a problem that's been going on for decades getting worse and worse) something can change.
Let's hope dollars votes will help to make those practices to disappear or change.

But adobe is powerfull enough to invade social networks with such reactions that seem not to come from them.
"Hey guys, I fully understand you, you have to choose to do the right think, but think about it : you have no real choice ...".

We'll see if this time (because it's a problem that's been going on for decades getting worse and worse) something can change.
It's going to be really hard in the commercial photography/videography/graphic design field because of how integrated the suites are. There are pieces of other software that do what each Adobe program does, but not in its entirety. Eg: to produce a 30 second commercial involving footage, motion graphics, sound and stills, Adobe Premiere Pro links to assets from After Effects, Audition, Photoshop, maybe Illustrator, all within Premiere Pro. When I use Davinci, the workflow (unless I'm happy with the built-in modules which are, ahem, lacking) is very cumbersome. It's even more severe in the commercial graphic design where Photoshop and Illustrator reign.

I guess the upside which is why I use Adobe is how good those products are and how well they integrate. So the economics don't bother me; Adobe provides excellent value. I am less comfortable with their AI-play.
It's going to be really hard in the commercial photography/videography/graphic design field because of how integrated the suites are. There are pieces of other software that do what each Adobe program does, but not in its entirety. Eg: to produce a 30 second commercial involving footage, motion graphics, sound and stills, Adobe Premiere Pro links to assets from After Effects, Audition, Photoshop, maybe Illustrator, all within Premiere Pro. When I use Davinci, the workflow (unless I'm happy with the built-in modules which are, ahem, lacking) is very cumbersome. It's even more severe in the commercial graphic design where Photoshop and Illustrator reign.

I guess the upside which is why I use Adobe is how good those products are and how well they integrate. So the economics don't bother me; Adobe provides excellent value. I am less comfortable with their AI-play.
indeed ... especially true in the freelance or very small business market.
I would say the one hard to not use is photoshop.
There are better alternative than after effect and premiere for high quality productions which involve more people to work on the same project (motion picture for example).
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indeed ... especially true in the freelance or very small business market.
Even my (largish) agencies insist on Adobe when we co-process. They use reference monitors and mine is calibrated to match for both stills and video. Seeing Adobe's latest "dump the shoot" ads, I think they are pivoting towards agencies, less emphasis on creators.
Generally, I don't trust big internet or software companies handle my usage and file data responsibly. Since probably before 2010 I excluded most Adobe products that I used to use from my personal devices. I have to use some of their products for work (not photography).
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I do think it's good to have this debate and also force Adobe to clarify their "wordings".
Often very unclear and wide open for interpretation.

But it has gone to far with all these click-baiters and sensationalist screaming things like
- Adobe is stealing our content
- Time to Ditch Adobe?
- Leaving Adobe
- They spy on us
etc etc...
Each one of them and many of their false statements can be taken apart and proven wrong.

Suggest some commenters here to watch the videos that Glyn Dewis reference in this clip.
Terry White and other Adobe evangelists explaining the "Terms of Service".

Sure they are Adobe evangelists - but do you really think they would dare lying about any terms or similar topics, risking their careers?
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I do think it's good to have this debate and also force Adobe to clarify their "wordings".
Often very unclear and wide open for interpretation.

But it has gone to far with all these click-baiters and sensationalist screaming things like
- Adobe is stealing our content
- Time to Ditch Adobe?
- Leaving Adobe
- They spy on us
etc etc...
Each one of them and many of their false statements can be taken apart and proven wrong.

Suggest some commenters here to watch the videos that Glyn Dewis reference in this clip.
Terry White and other Adobe evangelists explaining the "Terms of Service".

Sure they are Adobe evangelists - but do you really think they would dare lying about any terms or similar topics, risking their careers?
They wouldn’t lie but they aren’t lawyers and their opinions are just opinions and wouldn’t be a factor if there was legal action.
They wouldn’t lie but they aren’t lawyers and their opinions are just opinions and wouldn’t be a factor if there was legal action.
You don't have to be trained in law, just take a brief look at sections 2.2 and 4.4 in the Terms of Service (if I remember correctly) and it will show you that they are quite similar to the legal terms you would find in most software contracts.
Here you have a lawyer knowledge/opinion, if you prefer that:
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