New Adobe Terms

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But it has gone to far
To make move those big companies (if even possible) we have to go far ...
If they don't move this is not far enough.

Isn't it strange that adobe tries to "clarify" it's term of service when they are sued ?
And of course their communication response is and will be enormous. Social media will of course be overrun. Because this time maybe something can happen. Maybe.

For those who follow this movie since the beginning (decades) this is not a surprise.
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You don't have to be trained in law, just take a brief look at sections 2.2 and 4.4 in the Terms of Service (if I remember correctly) and it will show you that they are quite similar to the legal terms you would find in most software contracts.
Here you have a lawyer knowledge/opinion, if you prefer that:
It’s irrelevant for me as I don’t use their cloud product and haven’t for some years now. I was just pointing out that Adobe evangelists aren’t lawyers. But a lawyer’s interpretation is always appreciated. The sad reality, though, is that terms can change anytime in any way and there is basically no recourse for the user except to stop using the program but they’ll lose most functionality. It’s one reason why I support companies that offer an exit ramp of sorts where when you meet certain criteria (can vary) and leave you can stick with the version you have in an unsupported state but with full functionality.
To make move those big company (if even possible) we have to go very far ...

Isn't it strange that adobe tries to "clarify" it's term of service when they are sued ?
And of course their communication response is and will be enormous. Social media will of course be overrun.

For those who follow this movie since the beginning (decades) this is not a surprise.
So, when did Adobe state that they wanted to clarify their Terms of Service? And when were they sued?
Only being able to sue adobe on it's term of services reminds me al capone being sued for accounting problems.
Real problem is that they've managed to get a kind of monopoly by various means and can now impose whatever they want.

Al capone was only selling beer.

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And when were they sued?
Now or soon by FTC. About their term of service which is not clear and hide things to user by many means.

first link I found in few seconds on google (don't know if it is the more interesting one) :

Adobe communication response will of course be enormous ! And probably with a good viral component (today's most powerful communications medium).

PS : maybe "term of service" is not the right word.
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Now or soon by FTC. About their term of service which is not clear and hide things to user by many means.

first link I found in few seconds on google (don't know if it is the more interesting one) :

Adobe communication response will of course be enormous !

PS : maybe "term of service" is not the right word.
You a mixing two cases:

Case number one - Adobe updated their Terms of Service where many were upset and interpreted that their images were used for Ai and other misunderstandings - NOT sued by anyone. Rather taking the enormous feedback and tried to clarify the Terms of Service. Have you read them?

Case number two - Adobe not making it easy to cancel software subscriptions and therefor sued by FTC

Real problem is that they've managed to get a kind of monopoly by various means and can now impose whatever they want.
You don't get monopoly - you earn it by delivering good products to a fair price. And if you don't like that, simply cancel your subscription ( if you understood how to 😀)

"You can convince yourself of just about anything when you want to believe a conspiracy theory"
Brian Stelter
Only being able to sue adobe on it's term of services reminds me al capone being sued for accounting problems.

If anybody is asking for a definition of "too far", this statement qualifies.

Adobe is being investigated for their business practices in a proper way (not as a ruse to bust them Capone-like them because there's no other way to bring them to Untouchables-style justice); but they've long been convicted and sentenced already, judging by comments here.

Probably close to 100% of the people reading this are doing so on a computer with an operating system that has met intense scrutiny for decades by worldwide justice departments (yes, both of the big platforms). I'm not saying they've not done anything wrong, and they should be regulated to protect consumers from certain practices, but they're still providing a vital service to those of us using computers, just as Adobe does for those of us no longer shaking development tanks.

Are you using Adobe products yourself?
I use to use adobe product since photoshop appeared (which, if I remember well, has not be created by adobe but was first an amiga software (with an other name) they bought).
I really know adobe saga and what you call their "business, capitalism, investments" strategy. This is what they are : killers of competitors : businessmen with fat wallet which buy to keep or to kill. But which, in the end, didn't invent that much.

I used to use adobe products up to CS6.

Now i've bannished them from my workstations, but still use them when I work for companies that impose this worflow (I work as a graphic/FX designer for tv, advertissment mainly and motion picture from time to time - but motion picture is out of adobe influence for it's main part). And each time I can impose those companies to use an other workflow (they like my work so I can do this from time to time), I do this !

And contrary to what the direct and indirect adobe communication is diffusing everywhere at the moment, I have no problem being competitive and delivering top-quality work without them : there are good solutions for replacing adobe and deliver top quality products under tight deadlines. This is what I do !
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And you ? Who are you ?
Strange that a staunch defender of the adobe cause just register now on this forum !!!
Why are you shouting? There are always two sides of a story.
Please allow me to have my opinion without making any assumtions.
I have been here since December last year, when I found this forum.
Joined Dec 19, 2023
And I'm a subscriber to Adobe Photography Plan.
I use to use adobe product since photoshop appeared (which, if I remember well, has not be created by adobe but was first an amiga software (with an other name) they bought).
I really know adobe saga and what you call their "business, capitalism, investments" strategy. This is what they are : killers of competitors : businessmen with fat wallet which buy to keep or to kill. But which, in the end, didn't invent that much.

I used to use adobe products up to CS6.

Now i've bannished them from my workstations, but still use them when I work for companies that impose this worflow (I work as a graphic/FX designer for tv, advertissment mainly and motion picture from time to time - but motion picture is out of adobe influence for it's main part). And each time I can impose those companies to use an other workflow (they like my work so I can do this from time to time), I do this !

And contrary to what the direct and indirect adobe communication is diffusing everywhere at the moment, I have no problem being competitive and delivering top-quality work without them : there are good solutions for replacing adobe and deliver top quality products under tight deadlines. This is what I do !
Photoshop got its start in 1987 when Thomas Knoll wrote software that could display grayscale images--those with a range of gray tones--on monitors that could show only black or white pixels. He and his brother, John Knoll, licensed the software to Barneyscan in 1988, then to Adobe in 1989. Adobe Photoshop 1.0 arrived in 1990, and in 1995, Adobe acquired Photoshop outright from the Knoll brothers.
Thomas Knoll still works at Adobe. John Knoll is a visual effects supervisor at Industrial Light and Magic, where he worked on effects in several Star Wars movies, three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and Avatar. - source "CNET"

With your background, which "good solution for replacing" Adobe would you suggest?
That strangly just subscribed on this forum when adobe polemics are in full swing.

I'm pretty sure you'll have full of responses, documentation, and well-honed argumentation and rhetoric.
Please read what I'm writing!!!
I have been here since December last year, when I found this forum.
Joined Dec 19, 2023

Way before Adobe went into these latest issues.

End of story for me in this topic!
When did ftc start building a case against adobe ?
I can imagine if they su now, their work begin some time ago. It's not easy trying to stand up to adobe's legal experts.

As I can see your first post is from :
Apr 1, 2024
Latest Activity history might not go further back in time??
Here is my first post in December


This thread:
I use to use adobe product since photoshop appeared (which, if I remember well, has not be created by adobe but was first an amiga software (with an other name) they bought).
I really know adobe saga and what you call their "business, capitalism, investments" strategy. This is what they are : killers of competitors : businessmen with fat wallet which buy to keep or to kill. But which, in the end, didn't invent that much.
Another misrepresentation of Adobe as evil. Yes, the Knoll brothers created this app and distributed a few hundred copies under a different name.

Then John Knoll shopped it around, showed it to Apple and Adobe and secured broader distribution rights through them.

After a few years of that arrangement, Thomas and John Knoll sold the rights to Adobe outright for about $35M (in 1995 dollars).

Photoshop became most famous when ported to Windows (it was Mac only at before) and that work was done inhouse by Adobe.

Adobe did not come out to kill anybody. When a large software company kills a competitor, it buys their IP and then buries it—that's not what happened here.

In other cases where a company does not bury it, a mega-fat cat (like Sony) will buy an app or suite while decimating their dev/test teams, then start selling licenses with few bug fixes and years go buy with no new features or real innovations, even while they release new major versions. This is also a scenario you certainly cannot attribute to Adobe.


Edit: I see now you posting ad hominem attacks against another user here. You'll get no such satisfaction (further responses) from me.
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