I use to use adobe product since photoshop appeared (which, if I remember well, has not be created by adobe but was first an amiga software (with an other name) they bought).
I really know adobe saga and what you call their "business, capitalism, investments" strategy. This is what they are : killers of competitors : businessmen with fat wallet which buy to keep or to kill. But which, in the end, didn't invent that much.
I used to use adobe products up to CS6.
Now i've bannished them from my workstations, but still use them when I work for companies that impose this worflow (I work as a graphic/FX designer for tv, advertissment mainly and motion picture from time to time - but motion picture is out of adobe influence for it's main part). And each time I can impose those companies to use an other workflow (they like my work so I can do this from time to time), I do this !
And contrary to what the direct and indirect adobe communication is diffusing everywhere at the moment, I have no problem being competitive and delivering top-quality work without them : there are good solutions for replacing adobe and deliver top quality products under tight deadlines. This is what I do !