Nikon 180-600 - Photo Share & Discussion Thread

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One of my first captures of the action series: Over You (Greater White-Fronted Goose)


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(Z8 + Z186 + TC1.4)


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Warbler season. 180-600 has been superb thus far. I'll usually start a session with the 800PF, but it isn't too long before I hit up against the MFD or get sick of the AF completely missing a blatantly obvious bird, so it goes back in the bag and the 186 takes over. The versatility is unmatched, the AF works well in this tangled environs.

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My Spring Migration continues to be a struggle. I'm just not having any luck, very few good looks at birds, and when I do there's always something wrong with the shots (an errant branch across the face, missed AF, harsh shadows, messy background, etc). Went out this morning, and out of 478 photos, kept 3. That's been the theme of my last 5-6 outings, have only kept a handful of shots out of thousands. Just not my year so far.

186 is my go-to lens while my 600PF is lost in Nikon Repair Land for the past 2-3 weeks. 800PF just not working for me, and is getting sold (hit me up if you're looking for one ;) )

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Took the 186 out just as a thunderstorm was clearing out, trying to take advantage of the storm light and the bird activity that always amps up right after some bad weather. Didn't get too much of either, but this Common Yellow-throat was obliging me for a bit:
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NIKON Z 8untitled_20240512_77-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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Took the 186 out just as a thunderstorm was clearing out, trying to take advantage of the storm light and the bird activity that always amps up right after some bad weather. Didn't get too much of either, but this Common Yellow-throat was obliging me for a bit:
View attachment 88978
View attachment 88979
These, especially the second one are among my favorite types of bird photos.