Nikon Hot on Sony's heels???

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i predict this will NOT be a global sensor.

while it might be a lower mp stacked sensor, i'm starting to think it would be reasonable for nikon to do a z9s, which basically had the same sensor, but a faster version of the expeed processor with support for cfe-b v4 (ie, double the speed to the card).

i would envision this hypothetical camera to be able to do raw a lot faster.
I would be shocked if Sony lets anyone else have that sensor for a few years. They still haven’t shared the a1 sensor and it’s almost 3 years old.
I would be shocked if Sony lets anyone else have that sensor for a few years. They still haven’t shared the a1 sensor and it’s almost 3 years old.
I agree on the global shutter, but the Z9 has the A1 sensor. Internally the sensor model numbers are nearly identical. The main differences are downstream (processor) and software.
In response to the topic, it'd be cool if nikon had something between the z9 and the global shutter (25mp at double frame rate with no drawbacks in iso/Dr, maybe). But at this moment, if it's another global shutter camera, meh. Good for tech, but not something I want. Not that I can afford another body now anyway, but maybe in the future.

I'd still like to see precapture raw on the z9 though, even if it was he/he* at 20fps.
You sure? The Nikon is 45MP and the Sony is 50.
Someone did a teardown when the Z9 came out, and also found the internal code. The sensors are also not identical in size, but that's fabrication driven, not the technology. If memory serves me right, the pixel sizes is within 3%, which is margin of error for electronic microscope reading and the DR curves pretty much sit on top of another for the first few ISO ranges. At higher ISO there is a minute chage in the slope, which i attribute to testing margin of error. There was a lot of talk about "Nikon developed a new sensor," which I concluded was just PR; to me it looked like the very highest-quality, off-the-shelf Sony sensor based on that analysis.
not that we know the rumors are true, but let's break it down:
  • A high-speed version of the Z9 ( Z9H?): just as with the D1H and D1X, the new model will have half the amount of pixels of the Z9
  • It will be Nikon’s fastest FX-format camera (global shutter?)
  • The camera will also have a high-resolution mode
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#2 says full frame
#1 says half the pixels of the z9

this suggests a low res, full frame sensor. imo if this is their "high speed" camera, there's no way nikon is going to put a shutter in it, combined with their high speed claims, this suggests a low res stacked sensor imo.

#3 suggests the sensor shift tech from the zf and implies there is new hw to enable it, so perhaps we won't see this on existing cameras via fw.
Someone did a teardown when the Z9 came out, and also found the internal code. The sensors are also not identical in size, but that's fabrication driven, not the technology. If memory serves me right, the pixel sizes is within 3%, which is margin of error for electronic microscope reading and the DR curves pretty much sit on top of another for the first few ISO ranges. At higher ISO there is a minute chage in the slope, which i attribute to testing margin of error. There was a lot of talk about "Nikon developed a new sensor," which I concluded was just PR; to me it looked like the very highest-quality, off-the-shelf Sony sensor based on that analysis.
Fabricated by Sony but it has a different part number and lets not forget a base ISO of 64 and a faster scan speed.
I would be shocked if Sony lets anyone else have that sensor for a few years. They still haven’t shared the a1 sensor and it’s almost 3 years old.
Sony semiconductor has their own sales to worry about. If a customer (nikon) approaches them with a design that meets or exceeds the Sony imaging department design they WILL make it and they would be foolish not to. The semiconductor division would prefer to sell to all the camera manufacturers the same way they do for all the cell phone manufacturers.
This explanation makes sense; the inner workings of the Japanese sensor industry comprises a net of licenced technologies and NDAs etc pertaining to the specific sensors. Each is built of many integrated ingredients, and in the case of Nikon, the optimized sensor varies from highly propriety (eg Nikon D5) or "off the shelf"..... and "Most recently, Nikon has been working with Tower Semiconductor on global shutter sensors...."

A problem with a generalized rumour like this, is it's fairly obvious Nikon's next flagship will have faster frame rates and it's also not unlikely Nikon will revisit a D5 (D6) type ILC for industry leading low light performance.

When? is the big uncertainty....and the Paris Olympics is a logical - and possibly safe - guess to generate traffic to NR and stir up attention etc.

High end video is one major market for a very high speed MILC - this is in fact the principal reason for a global shutter (if it's happening soon). Then, the questions arise as to how will Nikon continue to support 8K RAW with a lower resolution sensor?
I find it humorous that any time something like a new camera comes out everyone runs to their rumor site to create a buzz about what will come out next.

Each brand will be ahead or behind in one area or another and to think like one brand needs to catch up etc is kind of dumb now that they all have viable mirrorless tech which provided many advantages over DSLR.

At this point stop wasting time over the next new thing and get out and shoot! It’s why I’m glad I made a big move almost 3 years ago, built out my kit to be everything I could dream of. Now I don’t care about the next new thing and just spend my time shooting. If a new camera comes out that adds capabilities I don’t have I may add it but at the end of the day I don’t need anything. It’s such a great feeling!
These threads have their cycles..... They are inevitable as the tech continues to improve and fast. We live in interesting times. Much of the attention has been in firmware updates since the Z9 launched, punctuated by yet another new lens release.....

This is relentless.....endemic to Photo gear forums.

It is extraordinary what the Japanese photo industry has achieved since WW2, and today the internet frees up fascinating material about origins and dynamics of imaging technology, based on silicon based products embodied in sensors, microprocessors and glass. Collectively, these precision products undergird the relentless progress in imaging the world around us.
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Rumors are rumors and sometimes fun to follow but in this particular case I'm not interested in a 'faster Z9'. Good grief. A global shutter is cool and all but I don't think it's particularly needed for wildlife photography. I can see it's usefulness for many things but it's not something I would ever need. But another step forward in sensor technology is a good thing so I'll be interested to see what follows. In my case I think I've reached a point where 'more camera' buys me very little except more learning curve (not that there's anything wrong with that). --- I don't need no stinking
I find it humorous that any time something like a new camera comes out everyone runs to their rumor site to create a buzz about what will come out next.

Each brand will be ahead or behind in one area or another and to think like one brand needs to catch up etc is kind of dumb now that they all have viable mirrorless tech which provided many advantages over DSLR.

At this point stop wasting time over the next new thing and get out and shoot! It’s why I’m glad I made a big move almost 3 years ago, built out my kit to be everything I could dream of. Now I don’t care about the next new thing and just spend my time shooting. If a new camera comes out that adds capabilities I don’t have I may add it but at the end of the day I don’t need anything. It’s such a great feeling!
You think threads speculating about upcoming cameras are a waste of time... but you were the second person to comment on it lol
You think threads speculating about upcoming cameras are a waste of time... but you were the second person to comment on it lol
Yes and my comments were basically not going to happen with regards to the sensor. Bottom line is if you find yourself needing something others have and your “brand” doesn’t have maybe you’re shooting the wrong brand. I found myself in this place several years ago and realigned and invested in a system that works for me. Again at this point now that everyone has a viable mirrorless body and lenses the who’s ahead and behind conversations are a waste of time.
Yes and my comments were basically not going to happen with regards to the sensor. Bottom line is if you find yourself needing something others have and your “brand” doesn’t have maybe you’re shooting the wrong brand. I found myself in this place several years ago and realigned and invested in a system that works for me. Again at this point now that everyone has a viable mirrorless body and lenses the who’s ahead and behind conversations are a waste of time.
No one said anything anyone "needing" anything.... You preordered an A9iii does that mean you NEED one?
Global shutter or not, looking forward to a pro-grade FF, 24mp Nikon. I've been using my Zf pretty much nonstop and for my work and workflow, the files are perfect.
Yeah Im still in the belief that somewhere around 30mp is the sweet spot. Nikon was on to something with the 800/810 cameras. Dont get me wrong, Ive adjusted to 45mp but I was also pretty damn happy with the 20 in my D5
No one said anything anyone "needing" anything.... You preordered an A9iii does that mean you NEED one?
Yeah I do actually. I’ve needed a third body since it’s me and my spouse shooting together so I decided the a9III would compliment my two a1’s and bring features/benefits to my kit that the a1’s don’t have.