Nikon Hot on Sony's heels???

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The Sony A9 III at 678 Grams shows incredible power and ground breaking performance even in Raw, all in a small compact light body compared to the Z9 Z8 even. The Sony A1 is around 737 grams, i hope Nikon decides to put their new models coming on a diet LOL.

The Z9 time line indicates its due for a upgrade, hardware needs as well as next level needs.

More power- speed indicates lower resolution sensors compliment this direction, especially if going RAW at 120 fps.

There is a greater collaboration or business relationship between Sony and Nikon than we may assume.

Its been known all along there will be significant changes in 2023 2024.

More horsepower, speed flash sync speed, raw at 120 fps will attract people to up grade. Like phones refreshing digital technology is fast and furious, the A9 released i think in 2017indicate around every 3 years there is a model up grade so is it fair to assume 2024 is real for the Z9.

Stacking images, faster read outs the list is endless going forward.
The one camera does it all will always be avoided, we will always need two cameras. One hi res one a speed demon.

You can now see why the Z8 was a hurried launch to lock down customers that may want a smaller lighter fast 45mp.

Previously Nikon was left 2 years behind, now the game as predicted has raised the bar, Nikon fortunately are in a better position to respond if needed.

When you look at JP's snap first look at he A9III one thing that stood out for me was 120 fps raw full focus images, unless i misunderstood, in a short burst there were 650 ? images to look through, you could review every frame pick the perfect one out of 650, bingo you have your money shot, i assume you delete the rest.
A) what a need for huge card resources and is there a real buffer limitation. Can you switch to JPEG fine only, i mean do you really need RAW at that frame rate.
B) unless you have time what a lengthy process
C) Frame wide let the camera identify the subject, optimize its tracking settings accordingly, do its thing tracking, focusing, eye lock on for every frame, all with perfect exposure, while all you do is press the start and go button and frame the area, the camera does everything else,

Isn't that great...........

I then wondered is this the way some people are taking stills from video and is this A9III actually almost there or actually there.

Are we moving closer and faster to becoming videographers, pulling stills if ever even needed that much anymore going forward all from video.

The fundamentals of time light and speed haven't changed in recording a moment sharing a story evoking emotion.

I think the A9III tool is very interesting, its a modern computerized Jet fighter by comparison to where it all started, a twin wing bi plain LOL.

Only an opinion
You won't see a Z9 update such as aZ9 II until late 2025 or sometime in 2026. That is the 4 year mark for the Z9. Nikon flagships are a 4 year cycle. It's not that it CAN'T happen before then, it's just extremely unlikely based on Nikon's past
Yes, we understand you want light cameras. Not all of us do. I would hate a super light camera, especially with the bad ergos on sony bodies.

Not really.

Some people. Most of us don't care, or are willing to wait for nikon to get the next set of bodies out.

That's a bold assumption, and probably not accurate. Nikon isn't sony.


It wasn't, but alright. Tons of people wanted that exact camera, so I'm not sure why you're making it out to be something it's not (well, I am, but that's a different post...)

The z9 was better than nearly everything out there across the board, and still is better than nearly everything. Nikon is doing fine

We get it, you love sony. My opinion is you're making them to be much better than they actually are, and nikon to be much worse than they are.
Enjoyed your response, thank you for you time and opinions.

Its Sunday morning here and i am having a cupa catching up with emails quickly, will be stepping out the front shortly for a quick surf as the wind will be picking up soon.

I have always been a Nikon owner because of the brilliant service which is close by and especially the image files.

My favorite camera is still the D6 and D850, yep DSLR, LOL.

I have a Z9 now for two years, still a D850 as a back up, had the D6 i love, D5, D4S, right back to a D70..........i only have one Z lens and that's a 50mm 1.8s, i rent mostly anything exotic i need and will do for a while. I still rent a D6 from time to time for really critical low light challenging shoots.
I hear the Z9 latest up date has improved especially for smaller birds. I will be getting Nikon to update my Z9 shortly along with have the D850 sensor cleaned.

I am not a Sony owner, i did a long time ago use a A9 100-400 70-200 2.8 all at full courtesy of Sony, i found the 100-400 main strength to be light and complemented the lighter A9.
The 100-400 and A9 combination gave me extreme agility, fast panning capability making nailing of subjects so incredibly easy, BIF in particular, sports moments all hand held with a reasonable keeper rate using the 20 fps which i did often wind back to 10fps. Like i do with the Z9.

You see i use a camera and lens as a tool, get in get the kill shots get out.

Yes the smaller bodies of any camera doesn't feel as nice ergonomically as a D4s D5 D3X D6 or Z9 but its a compromise worth making to peel of nearly 1.4 kgs for 675G especially to compliment efforts when using say a 600 Z PF lens.

The camera industry is working towards lighter and smaller where possible because it has to. Consumers and many pros are wanting this as i am preferring it especially for traveling and hiking. Where some companies are struggling to get there YET, is because of there level of technology development. Sony is doing in full frame largely what the 4/3rds market like Fuji and Olympus are doing. Nikon is dropping in some tid bits in the ZF that are not in the Z8 or Z9.

I just respect any product regardless of brand, for what it does, i equally express my disappointment or concern regardless of brand or product for what it doesn't do as claimed.

I feel Sony has had less QC issues according to the people i know who actually have them currently. I also know people who actually have had the QC issues with the Z9 Z8, my self included.

Which brings me to my next requirement, reliability, the past two years have been frustrating for some but not all Z9 Z8 owners, when you have had your camera back into Nikon 3 times over 18 months, you begin to wonder, yet other owners never and issue. When you see a multitude of different issues some reoccurring even in a subsequent model you question are there QC issues or is cost cutting to much taking an effect.

You don't expect issues so much in flagship products. Yes they can occur, Nikon does deal with them, lifting QC standard practices and proticaols is easy if your seriouse.

Personally $30,000 for a trip half way around the world for two, and on day one you have to put the your Z9 into your luggage bag and borrow a 5DmkIII and a 70-200 from a pool then skip the stop overs as far as photography goes all because of software gremlins.

Going forward,

lighter cameras and lenses, reliability, capability are all i want at a fair cost.

Is Sony leading the industry in full frame mirror less, well its indisputable that they led the industry out of DSLR and i feel there about to do it again.

Will i give up Nikon for Sony No, do i respect Sony for raising the bar, absoluitly yes. Will i give up Nikon more than likly as deciding to be a videographer or not is on the table, as well as even staying with photgraphy as i have done, i am attrateced to Drones and Iphone 15.

Only an opinion
You won't see a Z9 update such as aZ9 II until late 2025 or sometime in 2026. That is the 4 year mark for the Z9. Nikon flagships are a 4 year cycle. It's not that it CAN'T happen before then, it's just extremely unlikely based on Nikon's past
Agree with you absolutely for DSLRS, but i think with mirror less its different as the technology is moving faster and the competition is tougher, the market is in defensive and preservation mode.

The Z6 came out in 2018 the Z6II in 2020 same withe the Z7 Z7II.

The Z9 was out in 24 December 2021 so December 24th 2023 its 2years old, my tip it will update in mid to late 2024, the influence is what the A1 II and R1 releases, the Z9 may fall into early 2025 at worst,

only an opinion LOL
Agree with you absolutely for DSLRS, but i think with mirror less its different as the technology is moving faster and the competition is tougher, the market is in defensive and preservation mode.

The Z6 came out in 2018 the Z6II in 2020 same withe the Z7 Z7II.

The Z9 was out in 24 December 2021 so December 24th 2023 its 2years old, my tip it will update in mid to late 2024, the influence is what the A1 II and R1 releases, the Z9 may fall into early 2025 at worst,

only an opinion LOL
It's a definitely an opinion for sure. But we will see., I highly doubt it will be that early. I have spoken to a Nikon Northeast rep he said the Expeed 7 processor still has a lot of head room left for updates. I think the best you will see is the rumored 30-33mp Z9s for sports shooters. But I personally have serious doubts that is coming next year as well.

Until Nikon does something different, there is no logical reason to think they will do anything different then keeping the 4 year cycle. Nikon isn't Sony that puts out body after body after body because they don't do FW updates. They force their customers to update bodies, not software.
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It's a definitely an opinion for sure. But we will see., I highly doubt it will be that early. I have spoken to a Nikon Northeast rep he said the Expeed 7 processor still has a lot of head room left for updates. I think the best you will see is the rumored 30-33mp Z9s for sports shooters. But I personally have serious doubts that is coming next year as well.

Until Nikon does something different, there is no logical reason to think they will do anything different then keeping the 4 year cycle. Nikon isn't Sony that puts out body after body after body because they don't do FW updates. They force their customers to update bodies, not software.
LOL i have made a note in my calendar, lets see which one of us is right just for FUN, i will get the Tee Shirts printed up just before hand LOL, have a great day mate, kindest regards,

Only an opinion
I went from Nikon (first DSLR was the D70s) in 2020 to Sony and this with their A9II and A7rIV. I shot with the 100-400mm lens, 200-600mm and the 600mm f/4. When Nikon came out with their Z9 did I move 100% again to Nikon. Main reasons:
- ergonomics
- there is something very appealing on colours from Nikon

I loved the 2 years I was shooting with Sony, make no mistake but so happy to have moved back to Nikon for the above reasons. The fact that Sony never wanted to fix the A7rIV / 200-600mm combo was also for me a sign of their arrogance towards client putting down their well earned bucks and remain silent on the issue.
Nikon also had their share of issues and in their DSLR time were they also very reluctant to admit issues but Nikon HQ truly has changed since the Z wa released to the world.

One chooses the system he or she feels comfortable with, I can only be happy for my fellow photographers that they get the short with their gear, regardless of brand. I am not religious on anything but for now Nikon for camera gear, NiSi for (grad) ND filters, Hoya for protection filters, Eneloop for AA batteries, Godox for flashes, ... you got the picture :)

The fact that Sony was advancing from the other brands in the MILC market did wake up Canon and Nikon in the best possible way and that is competition at work right there.
All the rest is water under the bridge.
Right now, an OM-1/100-400 combo can be purchased for $3200 and weighs 4#. I would not risk a $10K trip much less a $30K trip without a complete backup and that combo will be acceptable in virtually any situations.
