Nikon Z walk-around, general travel lens recommendations

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Probably not what you're necessarily looking for, but I'll post it since it's worth a consideration.

I've been on a few trips with the R5 + 24-105 and the Z8/Z9 with 24-120. I found all of these setups to be too bulky, garner too much attention, etc.

So I mainly use the big guns for wildlife (Z9 + zooms or big primes), and then I bought a Fuji X100VI as my travel, family documenting, etc. camera. It's my favorite piece of equipment, bar none. The quality is fantastic, the film simulations are fun, the built in ND is awesome, IBIS is awesome, it's fantastically weather sealed (nearly waterproof in my experience!) and a lot of people look at it and don't give it a 2nd thought since it looks like an old retro piece of junk.

Saved me a ton of size and weight, I can bring it everywhere, and I never have to fiddle with different lenses or filters.
Sincce this post originated I have bought the Nikon 28-400mm lens with synchro VR and it is a great travel lens. With my DSLR cameras the 28-300mm along with the 24-70mm f/2.8 were a great combo. The 24-70mm provide faster glass for interiors (temples, etc.) and for night photography with or without flash. Add a fisheye lens and there is no situation where you are not covered.
Probably not what you're necessarily looking for, but I'll post it since it's worth a consideration.

I've been on a few trips with the R5 + 24-105 and the Z8/Z9 with 24-120. I found all of these setups to be too bulky, garner too much attention, etc.

So I mainly use the big guns for wildlife (Z9 + zooms or big primes), and then I bought a Fuji X100VI as my travel, family documenting, etc. camera. It's my favorite piece of equipment, bar none. The quality is fantastic, the film simulations are fun, the built in ND is awesome, IBIS is awesome, it's fantastically weather sealed (nearly waterproof in my experience!) and a lot of people look at it and don't give it a 2nd thought since it looks like an old retro piece of junk.

Saved me a ton of size and weight, I can bring it everywhere, and I never have to fiddle with different lenses or filters.
Same here: I will be going to India in January ... Nikkor telephoto lenses with two cameras for wildlife and my Leica Q2 with the 28mm/1.7 for street! I will be zooming with my feet :)
Probably not what you're necessarily looking for, but I'll post it since it's worth a consideration.

I've been on a few trips with the R5 + 24-105 and the Z8/Z9 with 24-120. I found all of these setups to be too bulky, garner too much attention, etc.

So I mainly use the big guns for wildlife (Z9 + zooms or big primes), and then I bought a Fuji X100VI as my travel, family documenting, etc. camera. It's my favorite piece of equipment, bar none. The quality is fantastic, the film simulations are fun, the built in ND is awesome, IBIS is awesome, it's fantastically weather sealed (nearly waterproof in my experience!) and a lot of people look at it and don't give it a 2nd thought since it looks like an old retro piece of junk.

Saved me a ton of size and weight, I can bring it everywhere, and I never have to fiddle with different lenses or filters.
I took a Fujiflm XE-2 my first mirroless camera to on a cruise to Greece, Turkey and Italy late 2014 and then to Israel and Jordan early 2105 about a year after I got into photography and it was a great camera. Learned the hard way how to change lenses and then how to use a rocket blower to blow of the sensor. It was not great for BIF and I eventually sold it after after retirement traveling wound down. My wife, started photography in 1975, she took a Fujifilm XF1 on the same trips as her only camera and was quite happy. I also had an XF1 also but used only in some limited indoor situations. I would imagine the more modern X100VI would be a great compact travel camera.