Nikon z6 iii worst than the Z6 and Z6ii in high iso

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This is the first I have heard of this. Does this mean no mechanical shutter at all under any circumstances for these lenses? Or is mechanical with electronic first curtain possible? I just got my Z6iii and thoguht I was hearing the mechanical shutter with the 105MC.

Page 625 in the Z6III Reference Guide is where it says that mechanical shutter is not available with all lenses and why I sent the inquiry in about what lenses were not. I do not have the Z MC 105 so no direct experience with that lens. I did a search in the reference guide and nothing came up for mechanical with "electronic first curtain". Page 625 lists all the shutter options and foot notes about them including electronic front-curtain shutter.
Page 625 in the Z6III Reference Guide is where it says that mechanical shutter is not available with all lenses and why I sent the inquiry in about what lenses were not. I do not have the Z MC 105 so no direct experience with that lens. I did a search in the reference guide and nothing came up for mechanical with "electronic first curtain". Page 625 lists all the shutter options and foot notes about them including electronic front-curtain shutter.
Thanks for the reference. I'll take a look.
