no nikon Z6 orZ7 for me

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Thank you all for your comments be them understanding or otherwise.

I think things are a bit different here in the UK for hobby photographers than in the USA. This applies even more so for those of us who have retired and living off a state pension. I suppose the question really is "am I jealous?" . The answer is definately not as at the age of nearly 79 the urge to learn how to get the best from a new model camera is very low on the must have list. For example it took me a long time to get my head around my panasonic camcorder menu.
Not being out to get into the "my photo is better than yours" battle , but just happy with the photos/videos one does for oneself suffices for me. if others like them that is a bonus.
Nothing wrong with this, if you're satisfied with what you're using there's no reason to change.

I'm curious why you started the thread at all. Is this a response to someone telling you that you ought to be using a Z6 or Z7?
Loved my Z7 until I got my Z9, now I don't use the Z7. I keep it as a second shooter but I always just change lenses instead. Think I’ll sell my Z7 but only because I love the 9 so much.