- Post score: 8
- #376
beautiful shots above, and yeah, something about the forward facing eyes, which are big, and the short bill, makes it impossible to not anthropormorphize them at least a little. and because they're dawn and dusk hunters, and hard to find, they're really hard to photograph, especially in flight, so kudos to those above. the exception to that is the burrowing owl, which is active during the day. here's my recent attempt to find/shoot them in flight ~3 months ago. sony a1, 600mm, 1/4000, f/5.6, ISO 1000, handheld. self critique: i wish it was flying just 1' higher, or that i had been 1' lower for the cleaner background, and that the sun angle was such that there was no shadow. oh well, there's always next year!
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