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As far as Youtube, I don't think I've seen them mentioned here, but Wildlife Inspired w/ Scott Keys and Ray Hennessy, the latter of which I am doing a photo mentorship with. They both got me super interested in small songbird photography (Scott has some great warbler/migratory songbird photography content from a few years ago) and both have inspired my field craft and technical/compositional skills behind the camera. Another one I follow on YT but hasn't posted in almost a year is Bayou Josh. Others I follow are Steve Perry, Jan Wegener, Duade Patton, Morten Hilmer, Trond Westby, Espen Helland, Steve Matheis, Simon D'Entremont, Stefano Ianiro, Phil Thach, Todd DeWald, Sean Meade, Matt Shannon, and Sparky Stensaas among others.
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I agree with you, before 500px for there was Photosig (they went off line several years ago) , the people there were very honest in telling what they like and dislike. It was a great learning experience for me though, sometimes, not too enjoyable. Sadly we all can't all accept honest constructive criticism, especially from those we feel know less than we know, although it could be a learning experience if we let it.
Yes we see it often in our club comps, one person is upset because they spent a fortune on good gear and said how could it not be sharp and was upset.
A wise old traditional elder once said to the young boy being initiated, Look at the trees the land, Listen to the birds and animals, you will learn all there is to learn.

I listen even if i already know the answer is right or wrong as i usually pick up a snipped of helpful information i never knew.
I take the good points ignore everything else.
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