Well, the range of variation is pretty big, so - as very often - the truth wobbles around the middle somewhere.
@Steve mentions regularly, we are not all the same in terms of steadiness when trying to keep still while balancing and maneuvering an object with considerable weight. And .it also depends not only on the weight, but also its distribution.
E.g. the 500 f4 E is "only" about 800g lighter than the G model, but due to the FL front element and modified design the E model is much less front heavy, which makes you think and feel the weight difference must be much bigger.
When shooting them "really" handheld (i.e. no other support, nothing to lean on) side by side for me the 1 / focal length (1/500) rule is the limit with the G model and because of front heaviness the keeper rate already starts to drop a little. The E model I can shoot at 1/250 and sometimes even a little less plus I can hold it longer before getting fatigue isssues. Lenses like the 500PF, Z 600 6.3 etc. are a totally different story. They are designed to be a "walkabout lens", while the big fast glass will probably be used with some kind of support the majority of time.