Should this Z600pf be returned?

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Are all the lenses made in the same factory?
Re Edwards Demming; he gave the big 3 auto makers a chance ... they all passed. They felt it was cheaper to allow a percentage of problems to make it to the consumer and then get fixed by the dealers. He went to Japan and the rest is history. I am old enough to remember when my father bought our first car, a 53 Chevy. The dealer told my father to keep a pad/pencil in the car and make a note of anything that was loose, missing, broken, or otherwise just not right. Then come back in two weeks and all of the problems would be taken care of. This was standard practice among all of the manufacturers, right up to Cadillac.
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I believe you have the absolute right to reject and return the lens if you feel that it does not meet your expectations.

I looked at my copy of the lens and I have the same kind of mark but like others mine is not very visible.

At the same time I believe the mark is purely cosmetic. and has no impact on the lens' utility, value or function.

This is really up to you and whatever decision you make will be the right one for you.
Are all the lenses made in the same factory?
Re Edwards Demming; he gave the big 3 auto makers a chance ... they all passed. They felt it was cheaper to allow a percentage of problems to make it to the consumer and then get fixed by the dealers. He went to Japan and the rest is history. I am old enough to remember when my father bought our first car, a 53 Chevy. The dealer told my father to keep a pad/pencil in the car and make a note of anything that was loose, missing, broken, or otherwise just not right. Then come back in two weeks and all of the problems would be taken care of. This was standard practice among all of the manufacturers, right up to Cadillac.
And its a common practice today, not just with QC issues but also design of products, often they finish developing things in the field based on feed back, its cheaper than using design engineers in house.
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If in a store, and there were two on the shelf for you to choose from, yours and another with lesser casting impressions, which would you choose to purchase?

IMO, you've done the correct thing in questioning Nikon about it and about returning it; just because it bothers you.

So if they agree to take it back, how long will you be without the 600mm PF, and can you accept that?
If in a store, and there were two on the shelf for you to choose from, yours and another with lesser casting impressions, which would you choose to purchase?

IMO, you've done the correct thing in questioning Nikon about it and about returning it; just because it bothers you.

So if they agree to take it back, how long will you be without the 600mm PF, and can you accept that?
As far as I’m aware, this lens has never been out of stock since it was released. I’d think they could replace it quickly. I expect to hear from Nikon on Tuesday.
The more i see samples i really feel that its just a mild cosmetic issue, i think Nikon should have picked this up earlier, that said its not detrimental to its function in my opinion.
Asking Nikon for another one may be a challenge as they all seem to have a similar flashing on the seam to some degree, its often a sign of poor QC and rushed production.
At this price point Nikon should at least keep up to Tamron or Sigma quality standards.

I don't think seam flashing is evident on Tamron or Sigma !

Only an opinion
Just got my z600pf f6.3 and noticed there is a seam on the top left and right of the lens. The seam on the right is particularly noticeable. Think this could result in problems in the future where the material pulls apart?

I’m contemplating returning it and requesting a new copy. Purchased direct from Nikon USA.

Has anyone seen this sort of seam before? Think it would be considered a construction defect?
I would take pictures for the record and call to have a conversation so it's documented as well. My mold line is barely visible and hard to see.