Slimming down gear

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Your other lenses - I'd argue you can ditch the 200-600, or the 600 prime. But that's just me, and I'd likely keep the 200-600. Everyone should have a 24-70 or similar. And the 20, 50, and 90 macro are keepers (again for me). You could probably also sell the 14 or 20, but personally I love a good 20 prime.
I kept both the 600PF and the 180-600 along with the 100-400. My 2 lens/2 body outing kit is the prime and shorter zoom…the longer zoom is for a lighter load if I only want to carry one or if it's a longer hike where weight becomes important. If I had to choose I would lose the long zoom before the 600PF hands down…and may end up selling the longer zoom depending on how much it gets used. I also had and sold the 70-200 because it never got used…too short for wildlife and on the few occasions it was used f2.8 wasn't important. But yeah…use case is important.
I do mostly wildlife and owned both the 70-200 and the 100-400mm. The 70-200 is a wonderful lens, it is incredibly sharp and handles well. That being said I sold it and kept the 100-400 as for me it is more versatile and I found that except in a few cases the 70-200 was not long enough. I also have the 400f4.5 for lower light where once again the 70-200 was too short. I am in the same boat as to having more than I need and so I also purchased the 24-120mm for the wider angle shots which I use more often than the 100-400 these days. I will keep that lens though it is very versatile and sharp enough. I mostly use the 600pf, then The 400f4.5 then the 24-120 and finally the 100-400. If I get anything else it would be a macro or a lightweight 300f2.8 and sell the 400f4.5. I have both TCs as an aside I was shooting in my back yard with the 600mm and the 2xTC just for fun handholding and although the hit rate was poor and the focus speed slow, I was pleasantly surprised to see that when I did hit the shot it was quite sharp with excellent feather detail etc. I would not recommend this combo overall But it will work in a pinch.
I have made a final decision.. sell off my 180-600 Z and replace with Z 400 mm 4.5 and add Z800 MM PF. I go once in a year to Safari and i think i should be good . I have Z9 ,Z9 and D850 with 70-200 mm 2.8. Any thoughts?