Sometimes black and white is what you need.....

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Call me indecisive, I can't decide which I like better. Almost always color is my choice, but that B/W is stunning -- decisions, decisions.
Well, for what it's worth, when I took the photograph I wasn't thinking B/W at all. It wasn't till a few years later that I took another look at it and said to myself, "self, I wonder what this would look like as B/W"? I did the conversion and I actually like it better than the color version. I like the shadows and light; the textures created by the shadows and light and the overall feel of the image. And of course, the imagery itself. Which I could not have found but for the assistance of a friend who told me about this vantage point.
I am usually in favor of color but this looks absolutely great! imho

My only dislike is the watermark...
Two very very beautiful images however the B&W does it for me , I cant quite put my finger on it but there is just something about that B&W shot that draws me to it every time , when I say every time I mean, I`ve came back here a good few times to have another look at it...

Quick question - so you shot it the first time in colour and then changed your settings in camera and shot it again in B&W is that correct ?

Reason I asked the question is because I came across a guy on YouTube a few months back that loves B&W images, however, he first shoots Landscapes in Colour and then converts to B&W in Post , his reasons were something along the line of - the Colour image has much more detail therefore you have better control over the post processing which in turn gives more powerful results in the final image at the end of processing etc etc .

Black and White photographs can be very powerful when an appropriate subject is portrayed since there are only textures and and shadings available to convey and nuance the story. No distraction of colour. Don't misunderstand me, I love colour, but its presence can distract from the story at times.
Ah well, beauty and the eye of the beholder and all that...:)
Two very very beautiful images however the B&W does it for me , I cant quite put my finger on it but there is just something about that B&W shot that draws me to it every time , when I say every time I mean, I`ve came back here a good few times to have another look at it...

Quick question - so you shot it the first time in colour and then changed your settings in camera and shot it again in B&W is that correct ?

Reason I asked the question is because I came across a guy on YouTube a few months back that loves B&W images, however, he first shoots Landscapes in Colour and then converts to B&W in Post , his reasons were something along the line of - the Colour image has much more detail therefore you have better control over the post processing which in turn gives more powerful results in the final image at the end of processing etc etc .

Harry, sorry if I wasn't as clear as I could have been. I did the black and white conversion in post. And the reason I did it that way was pretty simple; I wasn't thinking of a black and white version when I took the photo. It was a few years later when I decided to see what the image would look like as B&W. I'm really glad you like it enough to view it more than once!
Black and White photographs can be very powerful when an appropriate subject is portrayed since there are only textures and and shadings available to convey and nuance the story. No distraction of colour. Don't misunderstand me, I love colour, but its presence can distract from the story at times.
Ah well, beauty and the eye of the beholder and all that...:)
Alex, I agree with you 100%. And, the print of it is even better than the computer screen version.
Alex, I agree with you 100%. And, the print of it is even better than the computer screen version.
The print would be big is it?
My wife and I have been printing some of our photos and hanging them on our walls....the main problem is that we are running out of space (and no, we are not going to buy a bigger house!). I'm going to settle on a couple of size formats and get frames that I can easily switch from print to print methinks....
This falls into the category of a good problem.
The print would be big is it?
My wife and I have been printing some of our photos and hanging them on our walls....the main problem is that we are running out of space (and no, we are not going to buy a bigger house!). I'm going to settle on a couple of size formats and get frames that I can easily switch from print to print methinks....
This falls into the category of a good problem.
Alex, the print is 11x14
Both are extremely well done, I guess the same photo, so they both should be! Simply a matter of taste, but a great capture! Hoping to be there next spring?? Thanks for sharing.
Both are extremely well done, I guess the same photo, so they both should be! Simply a matter of taste, but a great capture! Hoping to be there next spring?? Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Bill. There hasn't been much precipitation in CA this winter so there may not be as much water in Yosemite as in past years. But who knows? There's still time for a March miracle. It's a great place for landscape photography; wildlife, not so much.