Strap for heavy glass...

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I am using a BlackRapid Sport X strap right now. I am wondering between the different blackrapid straps (their weight differ by ~60g depending on model) in terms of comfort when you carry heavier equipment, or comparisons to different brands (like moneymaker etc).

Note, i am not uncomfortable with the Sport X. I just wonder when i noticed that the the Blackline strap is 6.1oz where the sport x is 5.6 oz, if that is just cushioning and if so, is there a difference?

Happy to hear any suggestions, and if someone has several models, what the differences are. Because you can't find them on the blackrapid pages (beside of course color). But there everything is a best seller and the best thing ever anyway :)

I went from Black Rapid after a few years to Peak Design for a few years then last year back to BR. Recently I bought a strap with QD attachments from magpul which I’m really pleased with. I have QD sockets on both zoom lens jeet and the camera base and switching between is even easier than with the Pd connectors, and I’m more comfortable in my mind with the solid feel I get.
The magpul is a great option if you're just carrying one camera (or do one over each shoulder). I do run a safety strap so at least if there's a connection failure I have a chance. It's a very tough strap and I wouldn't worry about the strap breaking.

The money maker is great for multiple cameras. Current setup for news is a Z8 with a 180-600 on one side and a D850 with a 70-200 on the other.

I have run a third camera, a Z8 with a 14-24 mm lens the hangs at chest level

The money maker is rugged and considering the leather straps I suspect it will carry anything you can. It's also makes changing camera/lens combination very quick.
I use the Peak Design Slide, and have the quick connect anchor thingys on my two cameras and both big lenses (180-400 tc and 600 tc). Do not however generally walk around carrying the cam/big lens combos with a strap -- I use the Cotton Carrier vest (and use the Peak Design strap around my neck as 'safety') or carry the big lenses by the lens foot 'handle'. For smaller kit (but still 'heavy' e.g. Z9 and 50 1.2 or 70-200) I use the same strap (wear it across my body) and works great AND is very comfortable, walking for hours with the camera hanging at my hip/lower back. Anyway, for me the quick connect things are THE feature.
I have not compared different flavors of Blackrapid other than compare single straps to their dual. I prefer a single Blackrapid for a single camera and if I use it for two cameras I will use two singles.

However, for carrying two cameras I now prefer to use the Holdfast Moneymaker. I also added belt hooks which allow me to stabilize the camera/lens at the belt line so it does not swing. I will engage them when hiking but release the belt clip when I am actively shooting.

I use the Holdfast for longer sessions with two cameras. It works well hand holding longer lenses because I am not holding the camera up all the time, it rests by my side on the strap til I need it. I have hiked four or five miles during a shoot this way and I have also stood for several hours this way. I can quickly and easily switch between cameras. I have done this with the following combinations:. I shoot with Z9’s.

Z 24-70mm f2.8 and Z 70-200mm f2.8
Z 400mm f4.5 and Z 70-200 f2.8
Z 400mm f4.5 and Z 800mm f6.3
Z 800mm f6,3 and tripod/gimbal. ( for hiking from vehicle to shooting location)

I can switch between QD connectors and the hoops provided on the standard Holdfast hoops which screw into a tripod plate. I now always use a safety tether for security.

The key with using any of these straps is to do all the connecting before lifting the lens. Similarly I do not disconnect until the camera/lens is safely resting on a surface.
I went from Black Rapid after a few years to Peak Design for a few years then last year back to BR. Recently I bought a strap with QD attachments from magpul which I’m really pleased with. I have QD sockets on both zoom lens jeet and the camera base and switching between is even easier than with the Pd connectors, and I’m more comfortable in my mind with the solid feel I get.
View attachment 92531
How does the Magpul work in sliding over the shoulder as you lift the camera to shoot? Doent it have to slide over your clothes?
Question regarding MoneyMaker: They do offer a single camera version as well, anyone tried them? I like the look and what i read about it, i am concerned though with the missing padding on the shoulder compared to BlackRapids offerings. I have the same concerns with the Magpul (i looked at them while i researche), there is no padding that i can see?

I know that most of the time a QD connection will not fail but I do not trust it for a valuable camera and lens. I use the Kirk SS-1 security strap that clams securely to any Arca-Swiss foot or lens plate.
Question regarding MoneyMaker: They do offer a single camera version as well, anyone tried them? I like the look and what i read about it, i am concerned though with the missing padding on the shoulder compared to BlackRapids offerings. I have the same concerns with the Magpul (i looked at them while i researche), there is no padding that i can see?

For the Holdfast straps they have wide leather straps that hold well and are very comfortable. In addition you can add padding as an extra if you need it. I added the padding but I am not sure it was necessary.

There are some tricks to how they hook together. I just discovered I had a buckle on backwards, They have extensive videos on how to set them up and they need to be reviewed.

Generally Holdfast straps are much more comfortable and better padded than the Blackrapid straps.

I have not tried the single strap but judging from what I experienced with the other straps I think the holdfast single is going to be more comfortable than the Blackrapid.
I've been using Black Rapid with a security strap so both the large lens AND camera are directly attached to the strap. The only problem I've had with BR strap is when I am holding the camera up while shooting, thus no tension or weight on the strap, the strap tends to slip off my shoulder, real irritating. For just carrying the camera / lens it works fine.
I've been using Black Rapid with a security strap so both the large lens AND camera are directly attached to the strap. The only problem I've had with BR strap is when I am holding the camera up while shooting, thus no tension or weight on the strap, the strap tends to slip off my shoulder, real irritating. For just carrying the camera / lens it works fine.
I too have experienced this.

It is annoying but you can pull it back into position and it is fine when the weight goes back on.

There are also sometimes issues with how the Holdfast positions on your back.. I have found that if you pull the camera carrying straps forward it tends to move the Holdfast into position on your shoulders fairly easily.
I've been using Black Rapid with a security strap so both the large lens AND camera are directly attached to the strap. The only problem I've had with BR strap is when I am holding the camera up while shooting, thus no tension or weight on the strap, the strap tends to slip off my shoulder, real irritating. For just carrying the camera / lens it works fine.
I found the “Brad” … the underarm strap didn’t help at all so I removed it. Jared Polin put his Brad around his body…but mine isn’t long enough.
Same here: Peak Design
The question is what you call heavy. I can't imagine having something like my 500 f4 hanging off my body, but if I use glass of that size in walkabout scenarios, I probably would carry it combined with a monopod or tripod.

As Peak Design guarantees a tremendous load for the string on these little slide-in knobs at least I feel safe with having camera plus 100-400 or 180-600 hanging upside down under my arm with a shoulder strap ready to take it up when needed. The shoulder straps have a material that glides on the clothes very well, but have stoppers on the other side.

EDIT: I had to change the text, because i realised to late that today also the small straps have the stoppers. My old one seems to be an exception. Sorry.

The little 1/4" screw-in adapters are useful for carrying the camera at the tripod foot. I fixed them on the top of the tripod foot. This way they don't get in the way if you need to put the lens on a tripod. On the other hand, because you can make the tripod foot hang between the slide-in knobs and thus have a little more stability against rotation while carrying.

When walking/climbing/crawling "on all four" I find it useful to use the stopper side, beacuse the camera doesn't convert to a sliding pendulum as much, whereas while standing or sitting somewhere I use the smooth side that allows getting the camera to you eye quick an easy. And it is easy to change the side of the strap, as long as you use one. With one strap on each shoulder it can become a bit tricky, but I usually don't have that scenario. The only exception is having the camera on one side and the litle binoculars on the other. In this case I have the strap with the stopper for the camera and the otherone with the smooth side for the binoculars which are not so prone to start swinging and sliding as they are smaller and lighter.
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I use peakdesign clips on the Telephoto eyelets, and quick release to a padded Thinktank sling (off one of their large shoulder bags).

One reads that the Cotton Carrier is fairly popular but never tried this system

i have and use Peak Design ‘slide’ straps cross body and like them but only for something lighter. I get back pain if I carry heavier stuff that way for any length of time. I do not get back pain with blackrapid or holdfast and can hike and carry two heavy cameras and lenses for hours that way.

I also have an ‘expedition’ option which involves a custom backpack with dual external straps with QD connectors. With this I can bring extra lenses and other equipment. The pack allows me to carry pretty much as much weight as I could possibly choose. These packs are designed to be able to hike carrying 50 lbs or more transferring all weight off the back and on the hips.
The strap was designed to keep Black Rifles Combat Ready. I can go from Nikon to AR15 and back in seconds. The MS4 also converts to a 2 point sling and you can add a second QD point to your camera if you want 2 point carry.
I’m going to give it a try. The Blackrapid has no adjustment in front. I like to change how long it is on the fly and can‘t. Thanks
I use the Mr. Jan Lens Carrier System. Puts the weight on both shoulders and can handle big lenses.

That's a really good idea. If I get it right you are talking just about the pouch in the front or is it the combo with the backpack ?
If it's just the pouch I gues its made to be combined with a variety of backpacks ?
That's a really good idea. If I get it right you are talking just about the pouch in the front or is it the combo with the backpack ?
If it's just the pouch I gues its made to be combined with a variety of backpacks ?
I use it without a backback. Makes for cooler carry in hot weather. It can be combined with any backpacK you choose.
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I use it without a backback. Makes for cooler carry in hot weather. It can be combined with any backpacK you choose. View attachment 92598
Worth trying for either a single large lens or a folded tripod and gimbal.

It looks like it fits around the shoulders in a manner similar to the Holdfast but with narrower straps.

Worth trying out certainly inexpensive.

The Holdfast and Blackrapid straps have an advantage in that they keep the camera ready for active shooting and it also allows you to drop the camera to your side so reducing stress when not shooting. With this setup it looks like you have to extract the camera/lens from the Sling which will take more time.

The Holdfast dual also has the option of carrying a third camera/lens by adding single-camera straps on the front of the Holdfast. I suspect this can be clipped to the front of the Holdfast potentially combining functions.

The point here generally is that there are all sorts of solutions that work for carrying and using long lenses in.a variety of situations. Each of us is different and what works for some of us might not work for others.

Thanks for sharing this information and your experience.
I used BR straps for years, but this past year switched to a Magpul strap with QDM. Much better. Easier to switch it between cameras (or my rifles) and the connector feels much more secure than the BR connectors. The strap itself seems built to a higher standard than the BR straps, being thicker with better stitching.