Strap for heavy glass...

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I use it without a backback. Makes for cooler carry in hot weather. It can be combined with any backpacK you choose.
Aaahhh, that makes sense and this also answers the question how they solved the taking off of the backpack without opening buckles etc.
Love it ! So because - in the terms of another appreciated member - I am "what can I find" type of shooter quite often, this allows me to have my smaller things for close-ups and ground work in a little backpack and can have this one in front.
If using straps and moving in terrain a little more difficult, I tend to be hesitant to leave my hands ioff the camera completely, especially with longer glass tending swing and I had a couple of occasions where it threw me over, because I didn't have the hand free. With this I would be really confident to use both hands for crawling/climbing and still have camera relatively safe in front of me rather than in the baclpack.

Thanks !
I use it without a backback. Makes for cooler carry in hot weather. It can be combined with any backpacK you choose. View attachment 92598
I looked at that option (vs Cotton Carrier vest) and ruled it out given the amount of 'climbing' I do up and down steep river banks or hilly woodland trails, etc. I'd happilly ride my bicycle with the camera clipped into the Cotton Carrier. The Mr. Jan sling didn't appear to provide that level of hands off and 'forget it 'security (e.g. I'd fear it sliding out of the sling).
My preferred shooting style these days is to shoot with two bodies and two preferred lenses. I have both ready to use quickly and I can move between the lenses quickly as needed. Keeping the choices to two lenses and having both available allows me to focus on the shot and composition rather than futzing with equipment. For this type of shooting I tend to use the strap and leave the backpack in the truck.

The Holdfast dual strap allows you to carry either binoculars or a third camera in front. I am thinking of adding my z7ii with a wide angle lens this way because every once in a while a super wide angle landscape shot becomes a useful choice.

I plan to make more use of the backpack in future shoots Involving a lot of hiking. I know it will work well I am evolving my approach. In the future I will plan a backpacking outing to include extra clothing, water and snacks to carry me along. The backpack is very comfortable and I can hike long distances with it if I wear stiff hiking boots.
Question regarding MoneyMaker: They do offer a single camera version as well, anyone tried them? I like the look and what i read about it, i am concerned though with the missing padding on the shoulder compared to BlackRapids offerings. I have the same concerns with the Magpul (i looked at them while i researche), there is no padding that i can see?


I have 3 Holdfast straps. For a heavy load, I like them much better than my Blackrapids. I use them to carry my Z9/800PF, Z8/180-600, with a mix in of the 600PF.

1 strap is the 2 camera Money Maker.
2 straps are solo Money Makers: 1 strap is a small, I'm only 5'6. 1 is a medium for when I am wearing bulky winter clothing.

All straps have Kirk QD's (the $30 version) since all my lens plates and L-Brackets have QD sockets.

I admit what I have is an expensive solution, but much better than the lower cost options I have tried.
I am using a BlackRapid Sport X strap right now. I am wondering between the different blackrapid straps (their weight differ by ~60g depending on model) in terms of comfort when you carry heavier equipment, or comparisons to different brands (like moneymaker etc).

Note, i am not uncomfortable with the Sport X. I just wonder when i noticed that the the Blackline strap is 6.1oz where the sport x is 5.6 oz, if that is just cushioning and if so, is there a difference?

Happy to hear any suggestions, and if someone has several models, what the differences are. Because you can't find them on the blackrapid pages (beside of course color). But there everything is a best seller and the best thing ever anyway :)

After seeing this topic more than once and on other forums I just wanted to introduce a different option. For a single strap carrying my Z8/Z9 and long lenses I use a strap from Edgar Sherman Design and a Magpul QDM (quick disconnect sling mount) attached to a Hejnar lens foot. This strap was designed for sporting rifles but works well for heavy lens applications. I've never had a failure using the quick disconnect mount. When I attach it to a lens I give a quick tug on the strap to verify the connection is secure. (Watch the instructional video and think camera lens vs rifle.)

The feature I appreciate the most is ability to make a quick adjustment to the strap length for changing from a higher carry position to a longer length camera ready position.
Thank you all so much for the feedback. Will try a solo moneymaker and see how that works for me.

Holdfast is the brand. Moneymaker is the name they use for the dual strap. Solo is the name for the single strap.

The dual strap spreads the load across the shoulders by use of crossed straps in the back. It is more comfortable to wear higher on the back. The solo is supported on one shoulder only and is carried cross body.

I just ordered the solo so have not tried it yet. The dual provides better support but it feels unbalanced when carrying one camera. i since learned they recommend tightening the strap on the non carry side when carrying one camera. i have not tried that yet.

The one comment I would make about Holdfast is that they do not provide a customer support number. Everything is done on line by email. As is typical these days for many companies they do not want to spend money on staffing a telephone sales line.

That being said they make good quality stuff and they will eventually respond to an email. Everything is custom made and it takes time to Complete the order and ship. Have patience.
I use the Mr. Jan Lens Carrier System. Puts the weight on both shoulders and can handle big lenses. View attachment 92594
Essentially what I used with my 600 f/4E but with a Think Tank speed belt and racing harness instead of the back pack. It worked great but is over kill for my heaviest lens now the Z800 on my Z9 I use a Black Rapids Boomerang or Sport X.
I allways used to carry two camera’s with two heavy lenses.
One camera with the 600 F/4 or later the 800 F5.6, the other with the 180-400.
Tried all kind of carrying systems was never a fan of straps for two systems and ended buying the Spyder Pro holster.
Fastest and most convenient system I know of, BUT only suited for people without any back-problems and a strong core.
I even used it on mountainbike trips, no bouncing and the rig is secured in the holster with a safety lock.
Still use it for model-photography when I’m outdoors, holidays aso.0