Surprised to see an Albino squirrel ! ! !

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Here is a 13 year old picture of an Olney white squirrel. They were easy to find in City Park 13 years ago. This was shot with a D7000 and an 18-200mm zoom. It would be fun to go back with my modern equipment.

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We were surprised to see an albino squirrel (pink eyes) on the Mall in Washington, DC this weekend. I've never seen one before, never even knew they even existed. But Google searches suggest they happen on occasion and that squirrels View attachment 100982View attachment 100983View attachment 100984View attachment 100985are the only species where the albino is able to survive in the wild.

Apparently there are also white squirrels but are not albino since they do not have pink eyes.

Has anyone else seen albino squirrels and where?

Shot with Z8 105mm f2/8 MC