The 400mm f 2.8 S lens

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I don't know which review of the Z 400 f/2.8 to trust! Do I have to cancel my order? It cost me a total of 21 000 Canadian dolars ( 18 200 = 15% taxe). which is a lot of money for one lens. It is better to be really good, otherwise it is lost of a lot of money!
I don't know which review of the Z 400 f/2.8 to trust! Do I have to cancel my order? It cost me a total of 21 000 Canadian dolars ( 18 200 = 15% taxe). which is a lot of money for one lens. It is better to be really good, otherwise it is lost of a lot of money!
If possible, rent one first. Not sure when the rentals will show up (they may be available already), but that's the safe way to go. Reviews are fine, but when investing that kind of money if you have any uncertainty at all, renting makes a lot of sense.
If possible, rent one first. Not sure when the rentals will show up (they may be available already), but that's the safe way to go. Reviews are fine, but when investing that kind of money if you have any uncertainty at all, renting makes a lot of sense.
Thank you Steve! I think I will do like you; cancel order and rent. I hope my dealer won't keep my down payment! I can also wait for your review when you rent it. I trust your review more than I do for other platform.
Thank you Steve! I think I will do like you; cancel order and rent. I hope my dealer won't keep my down payment! I can also wait for your review when you rent it. I trust your review more than I do for other platform.
I think that's a good idea. I've canceled my order for the lens though. I too would like to rent it before I buy it, however, I'm not sure if I'll ever purchase it. For the kind of shots I take, I'm just getting a higher, more consistent keeper rate with the Sony A1 and I, frankly, like the a1 more than the Z9. I also think that I should stick to 600mm glass for what I do, and although I can probably make the 400 2.8 work, I think the 600S makes more sense for me if I ever decide to go with another long lens with Nikon. (For me, a 400 2.8 makes more sense to have in addition to a 600 rather than instead of one, which would be the case if I purchased it now).
I just talked to my dealer about the lens I ordered and the cancelation timeline, he told that Nikon representative told him they won't be able to deliver it before 7, 8 and maybe 12 months and I still have time to think about whether canceling my order. So I can wait for 2 months to see the next reviews and decide later what to do.
Like Steve, I prefer to get the 600 but we still don't know anything about this lens.
Has anyone in North America received this lens yet? It seems that no one has it yet. Only in Europe, UK, Asia do I see reports of people getting it.
I havent't heard or seen anyone with it! I normally get mine very quick but I haven't heard a peep yet about when it's coming!
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I havent't heard or seen anyone with it! I normally get mine very quick but I haven't heard a peep yet about when it's coming!
There are currently two people that post on FM that have one each, Suteetat and Phil Waring:
There are currently two people that post on FM that have one each, Suteetat and Phil Waring:
Yes I've seen them but not from North America, that's what arbitrage asked. They have been posting some nice stuff on FM! Looking forward to getting mine assuming it shows up before I'm in the great beyond! 🤣
Ok that sounds good so let's ship the darn lens! 🤣

Having owned the 400 E, owning the 800 f5.6 and comparing them side by side (two tripods and two D5s). Now having used the Z9 with my telephotos, I suggest that one take those conclusions with a significant dose of salt. Not saying he is wrong, but either the 400 E he had was somewhat bad OR the 400 S is truly a fantastic lens and all of us with 400/600/800 f mounts should sell them.

Time and a lot of additional reviews will tell.
Well that can be said about any review. It sure looks promising to me at least. I have it ordered (NPS) and looking forward to using it! Should be soon.
Hey Photographers! I need some advice. I just received my Z9 and its my first mirorless camera. I have 3 DSLR body camera and some F mounted lenses: 500mm F4, 300mm F2.8, 70-200 mm f2.8 and macro and wide angle. I am thinking to sell all my lenses and my DSLR except the 300 mm F2.8 and my D850. I am really interested in the new 400mm S F2.8 . I wanted to order it this week or when I am sure, that is the best lens choice I need. I travel a lot and it is big problem to carry everything in the plane and worry each time about it. I photograph every living thing from the tiny one to the big one. I love bird photography a lot. So can you advice me if I should go ahead and buy the 400mm or wait for the new 600mm? I know the 400mm would be more useful for big animals, but is it good for the tiny birds? I know we can use teleconverter, but I also want the best photo quality. Thanks for giving me your thought. It will help me a lot
That 300mm f2.8 takes some of the best images I've ever shot. That thing is razor sharp.. I can see why you don't want to let it go.. Unfortunately for me it's way too short for small birds. My dream lens would be a 600mm f2.8 prime,, but we can dream right? I've owned the 500mm f4 as well, also a great lens but still often just short for small birds. I wasn't happy shooting small birds until I got the 600mm f4. For whatevr that's worth.
That 300mm f2.8 takes some of the best images I've ever shot. That thing is razor sharp.. I can see why you don't want to let it go.. Unfortunately for me it's way too short for small birds. My dream lens would be a 600mm f2.8 prime,, but we can dream right? I've owned the 500mm f4 as well, also a great lens but still often just short for small birds. I wasn't happy shooting small birds until I got the 600mm f4. For whatevr that's worth.
Yeah I love the 300mm f/2.8 and I use it mainly for big animals like elephant, Bison, deer ...... I shot with it some birds like the snow geese and Canada Geese which they get close to us and aren't shy. We need more reach for bierd in flight and song bird. That is why I am getting the Z 400mm F2.8 (with using teleconverter for birds).
When we travel by plane, it is so difficult to carry everything we need. We have to make choice among our tele objectives and opt for the more versatile one.
Like you my dream is also a 600mm F2.8. Are we going to get it one day soon, or it is going to be a just a dream?
Thanks for your comment, it is really appreciated!
I watched Matt Granger video review of the Z 400 mm f2.8 and I think I am not going to cancel my order. It will be easier to carry one versatile tele objective in the plane when we travel than take more than one. Every time I travel, I get so nervous at the check in point at the airport or at the boarding, worrying all the time if they don't let have my equipment with me on the plane.