The Coyote Thread

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This is one I grabbed recently. Spotted them in the back of our meadow. Used the 600mm TC with the TC engaged, so 840mm. I was surprised it came out as good as it did. I checked the distance with my rangefinder afterwards and they were just over 200 yards away.

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On Monday at sunset I discovered a litter of coyote pups here in Tucson. My Z 180-600 was not long enough to do it justice, so I went back Tuesday after work with my Z 2x attached (photo below). This combination does not work well and most images were deleted, but I saved one of the least soft ones and ran it through software to sharpen (and still had to crop in a bit). I ordered a Z 1.4x that arrives tomorrow and will see if that is better, even with additional cropping (I will get one stop faster aperture at least).

coyote Z8 11313.jpg
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