The Coyote Thread

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This is an oldie but goodie! Taken in Bosque del Apache New Mexico. Used a D3 and a 600vr hand held. We were driving around the park and I spooted it and pulled over on the side of the road and got out with the camera.. It walked right by me so close the ears were chopped off, this was not cropped at all, that's all that fit in the frame.

Coyote with Pintail Duck

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Mouse it's what for dinner.
SE Oregon.

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Great shots. I am jealous of all the Yellowstone snow photos. I was there for three days February of last year and did not see a single coyote. I also did not see any wolves within photo range. Someone let me look at them through their spotting scope and even in the scope it was a tiny speck that took me a while to find.
@HRB Fantastic. I learned about badgers and coyotes hunting cooperatively when a photographer friend of mine observed it in Yellowstone last year.
Coyotes are plentiful here in western South Dakota. The first is from Custer State Park and the other 3 are from Wind Cave NP.
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Coyote 2.jpg
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Coyote 4.jpg
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Coyote 5.jpg
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Beautiful snap. Good to see other Wind Cave visitors. I try to hit the park weekly. BTW - my images are cropped, I'm not successful getting much closer.
I used to live in Rapid when I was a kid. When I moved to CO I discovered how close the Black Hills were and now I get up there 2-3 times a year. Usually hit Custer SP, and Wind Cave and Badlands Nat'l Parks. I particularly like going in winter when the parks are almost empty.
Malheur NWR Oregon.
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The last entries are from Point Reyes National Seashore (California), so I will add my shot from there. It made the final round of judging in the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition a couple years ago, but sadly did not make the final cut. I was with a fellow photographer when I took this, we saw the coyote looking at a rodent hole so we were both poised and ready, but sadly my friend decided to look down at his camera to check the settings just as the coyote pounced, so he missed it.

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