What does being 'good' at photography mean for you?

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I dove in head first when I retired and took up photography. My first goal was, and to some extent still i, to "Shoot, Share and Conserve". So photography that stimulated a persons desire to conserve, contribute to various non profit conservation entities etc. was what being a good photographer meant to me.

I then got into winning contests and selling prints until I realized as I succeeded that I was starting to come out of retirement :)

Now having moved deeper into birding being good at photography means getting a photograph, even in challenging conditions, that is good enough to ID a bird I have never seen/identified before. Do I still then try to get a better shot ... yes but only if it comes along as I pursue that next bird or test out new gear to use in that pursuit :)

I have also found that, much to my surprise, I enjoy coaching/teaching photography.