What warblers have you seen this year?

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Is this the Trogon Tours trip with Nate Chappell? I have done the trip twice, once in April and once in May. I hope you get a lot of birds at the Stevenson blind.
Yes, I went with him to the Texas hill country last year and was very successful. I’ve always wanted to do this so here I go!
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Incredible shots, everyone!

My wife and I are heading to Point Pelee during the May 24th weekend. Any tips with photographing these little guys? I usually shoot larger birds/animals, so I think I'll have to tweak my approach. I'll be using a D850 + 1.4 TC + 500mm f4G, but also have a 300mm 2.8 VRI available.
All I've seen so far are Yellow-rump, Yellowthroat, Orange-crowned and Wilsons. I'm on a mission this weekend to find some Townsend and Black-throated Grey which I know are around now. Yellow warblers should be here soon. We don't get much else on the west coast of Canada. MacGillivray's is the only other one but I don't see them often.

Orange-crowned from last weekend....

April 28, 2023.jpg by Bird/Wildlife Photos, on Flickr
All I've seen so far are Yellow-rump, Yellowthroat, Orange-crowned and Wilsons. I'm on a mission this weekend to find some Townsend and Black-throated Grey which I know are around now. Yellow warblers should be here soon. We don't get much else on the west coast of Canada. MacGillivray's is the only other one but I don't see them often.

Orange-crowned from last weekend....

April 28, 2023.jpg by Bird/Wildlife Photos, on Flickr
Nice to finally see a shot that actually captures the birds namesake :)
Was out this morning, and it’s like a switch got thrown on spring migration. Quantity of warblers has tripled, and a good number of other bird species have shown up. Compared to just a couple of days ago, it’s a whole new ballgame.

Despite there being a ton of Yellow Warblers, they’re proving to be a challenge for me to photograph well. They just refuse to come down to eye level, and on the rare occasion they do, magically there’s a twig perfectly in the way.
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Yeah, the weather will be good this weekend. I will go and check out what warblers are out there. Hope to see a lot.
Was out this morning, and it’s like a switch got thrown on spring migration. Quantity of warblers has tripled, and a good number of other bird species have shown up. Compared to just a couple of days ago, it’s a whole new ballgame.

Despite there being a ton of Yellow Warblers, they’re proving to be a challenge for me to photograph well. They just refuse to come down to eye level, and on the rare occasion they do, magically there’s a twig perfectly in the way.
Lots and lots of yellow rump, palm warbler, yellow warblers, a few parulas
Yellow Rump-Web.jpg
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northern Minnesota,so far myrtle,palm,black and white,cape may,mourning,yellow,magnolia,nashville,and chestnut sided.retired plumber and novice photographer.still trying to figure out how to convert my raw photos and load them here.
today's warblers at Point Pelee included Blackburnian, Yellow, Prothonotary,Black-throated Green and Hooded.
northern Minnesota,so far myrtle,palm,black and white,cape may,mourning,yellow,magnolia,nashville,and chestnut sided.retired plumber and novice photographer.still trying to figure out how to convert my raw photos and load them here.
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All I've seen so far are Yellow-rump, Yellowthroat, Orange-crowned and Wilsons. I'm on a mission this weekend to find some Townsend and Black-throated Grey which I know are around now. Yellow warblers should be here soon. We don't get much else on the west coast of Canada. MacGillivray's is the only other one but I don't see them often.

Orange-crowned from last weekend....

April 28, 2023.jpg by Bird/Wildlife Photos, on Flickr
I can actually see the orange crown! Very nice image. Here in Puget Sound we are seeing the same and the yellow warblers are just arriving. I was lucky to have a Townshend’s at my feeder over the Winter but it is gone now.
Saw/heard Nashville Warblers today, and tons of Yellows. Local reports of some Blackburnian, which I should get a chance to find later today if the weather holds!

Edit: which, of course, it didn’t 😐 Sure it’ll be plenty nice tomorrow while I’m at work.
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We don't get most of our warbers in Nova Scotia till mid- to late- May. We have had cold temperatures and easterly winds for the last week, but I have so far managed 3 - Yellow -rumped ("Myrtle"), Palm and Pine.

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