Why are my Nikon lens hoods falling off

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In the past several months I have had two lens hoods come off the lens while I was out shooting. Both of those lens hoods are Nikon OEM and both had lock buttons that should have held them in place.

The first involved a 24-70mm f2.8. That lens hood bounced down a steep slope at a National Park and was never found. The other one involved my 135mm Plena. In that case I was able to trace my steps and I found the hood.

Is this me not being careful or have others had similar problems?

We use these lenses in the field and things naturally get jostled and bounced around. For what we pay for those lenses (both of the lenses I mentioned cost over 2 grand) I would think a better quality hood would be a reasonable expectation.
I’m mostly using Z lenses these days. I’ve had no problem with lens hoods on any of my lenses. I make sure I hear the click and give the hood a brief rotational tug to be certain it’s secure.