Wild Horses With The Z6iii

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I did a quick google search and wow, that looks really cool! I might have to figure out a way to head to AZ :)
Look me up if you do make it to the desert. Fall, Winter and early Spring best. Also many wild horses and wildlife on the White Mountain Apache Reservation in eastern AZ. Would enjoy showing you around and/or offering advice.
It's really fun - I could spend 10 days there, but I do love my wild horses. :)
I run a wild horse advocacy group in Idaho. Love me some mustangs. Just got back from Alberta where I did a weekend trip with the Help Alberta Wildies Society. Amazing time with the wild horses there! Love your pics. Some beautiful shots. My fav is the b&w of the foal showing his stuff!
Look me up if you do make it to the desert. Fall, Winter and early Spring best. Also many wild horses and wildlife on the White Mountain Apache Reservation in eastern AZ. Would enjoy showing you around and/or offering advice.
I run a wild horse advocacy group in Idaho. Love me some mustangs. Just got back from Alberta where I did a weekend trip with the Help Alberta Wildies Society. Amazing time with the wild horses there! Love your pics. Some beautiful shots. My fav is the b&w of the foal showing his stuff!
Thanks - that one happened fast too. He went into full FRAP mode (frantic random active period - the "zoomies") and was just running around at first and then to try to "play" with a horse just outside of the frame and stood up. At least, I think that was his intent.