Windmills, Farmsteads & more

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Couple more windmills. Taken on Winter Solstice last December. This location is about 1 hours southwest of our home, just within about a mile of the old church/school that I posted earlier. You've probably read that when taking pictures be sure to turn around & look, who knows what you might find. The vertical shot with the moon at the very top was exactly that. As I was concentrating on the barn, I wanted to change my spot and turned around to move & there it was. Good advice who ever gave it!
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Twin Steeples Church near Waseca, MN. Some front step renovation going on in 2019. Story behind twin steeples is in 1950 they were two churches about 5 miles. Neither was sustainable by themselves. Farmers got together and moved one the 5 miles and teed them together. Successful ever since.
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Here is a couple/few from 2016 in Morrow County taken with my old Panasonic Micro four thirds. I did what I could with what I had at the time.

Wife heavily edited this photo I took for a print she made. I think it was a greeting card. 🤷‍♂️

Old barn outside Lexington with Mt Adams in background.

My old go to spot in Morrow County

White horse on Willow Creek 2016
A couple of shots to add to the mix.

1. Taken along the western side of Glacier National Park near Polebridge, Montana.
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2. My own barn, here in Northwest Pennsylvania.
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Lazy B Ranch, Duncan, AZ ; Sandra Day O'Connor childhood home.
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Bonnie Heather - Duncan watering hole frequented by ranch hands since back in the day
210106 Duncan Bonnie Heather Lazy B DSC_7121.jpg
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This past weekend, weather here turned out much nicer than it's been, wild fire smoke at least for now has cleared out, overcast skies - hit some real highlights! At least in my opinion. The school was built in 1896 from Kansas native limestone, 18 inch thick walls. What a structure!
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