Women Handholding Large Primes

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Lisa, I use a program called "Fast Raw Viewer" to cull my photos. It was mention here in another thread. I like it real well, with all the photos I sometimes come home with, putting them all in Lightroom or some other photo program, just to get rid of the blurred, too dark, or otherwise bad ones seemed too tedious for me. I can whip through and remove the not so good ones very quickly. I will mention I only shoot Nikon Raw. Then I process through Lightroom and/or Photoshop depending on need.

And the "tick" is my choice. You can choose totally silent.
Righto! Thanks Patty. I only shoot Nikon Raw as well. I’ll check out “Fast Raw Viewer”. I currently use Photo Mechanic for culling. And good to know there are sound options.
I too am 68. I hand hold a Z9 with a Z 180-600 or a Z 800mm PF. I use a generic ($25) cross body strap with a wide neck/shoulder pad attached to the 1/4" screw in the tripod foot. I keep the foot in "briefcase" mode. I know a tripod can give better photos in some circumstances but I really dislike using them. Part of the experience for me is walking around and looking for birds or other wildlife. I had a D850 before the Z9. I find I like the larger camera body with a tele as it balances better.
I too am 68. I hand hold a Z9 with a Z 180-600 or a Z 800mm PF. I use a generic ($25) cross body strap with a wide neck/shoulder pad attached to the 1/4" screw in the tripod foot. I keep the foot in "briefcase" mode. I know a tripod can give better photos in some circumstances but I really dislike using them. Part of the experience for me is walking around and looking for birds or other wildlife. I had a D850 before the Z9. I find I like the larger camera body with a tele as it balances better.
I’m in agreement about “Part of the experience for me is walking around…” And besides we can spend less time at the gym doing bicep curls when we handhold!💪🏼
Glad this caught on!!! Sometimes I thinks the guys forget we are configured differently and our muscle mass is lower, and while a the super teles may be best in class, they may not be suitable for many women and other options must be considered. This is also true for certain destinations, etc.

We should form a club!
Lots of helpful information for me from everyone!