Z8 Aftermarket Battery

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I still have 2 OEM ENEL15's bought with a D500 in 2016 that show low usage according to the in camera meter. This is after usage in my D850 and Z7, also a D780. It is a similar story with OEM ENEL 18s, unlike very dead Hahnel ENEL18's that had distinctly short lives...failing to charge and hold charge etc. As many of us learn from failed attempts to save a few dollars, the OEM batteries last longer and are extremely unlikely to overheat, or worse and damage a camera etc.

My 0.02c is the logical investment is to buy the latest ie current version of the ENEL15 for the Z8, particularly as it works in the new MH-34 USB-C PD charger which has been released with the Zf
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I have had poor results with more than a few brands of third party batteries. I try to get the brands sold by B&H in the belief that if they get a lot of returns they will discontinue a particular brand.

When I spend $6000 on a camera I am not inclined to save a few dollars with a non OEM battery that is not going to provide an equivalent number of shots per battery and may have critical defects. I take the same approach to buying memory cards for cameras where the cost is trivial in the overall scheme of things.

I would certainly avoid buying batteries from sellers on ebay in particular. Many counterfeit Canon video batteries were sold in this manner and they had a tendency to explode in the cameras. The manufacturers can save some money by not incorporating fail safe circuitry in the battery and if there are many problems they can simply put a new name on the next batch of batteries.
The batteries didn't work on my Z8, but the 3rd party batteries I had were better than Nikon's on my Z7ii and D500. in other words, I don't think it's accurate to assume they're always worse.
Heard that the Z 8 can recognize genuine Nikon EN-EL15 batteries and will not work w/ third party batteries. Since I only have Nikon batteries, I can not confirm this. But after spending $4,000 on a camera to me it does not seem worth the risk (worth the savings) to save $25 on a third party battery.
I have a pair of LP technology batteries I bought for the z7II. These batteries say " For EN-EL15A/15B" on the back. Traded the z7II in over the weekend and got a Z8. It recognizes them and shows a full charge. They are also labeled as 2200mAh, which is more than an OEM 15b.
Again, i have batteries for my D7100, genuine Nikon and several after market ones that come from a very reputable manufacturer. $95 versus $25
As i charge all my batteries every 3 months if not used regularly, i find the after market batteries sitting on the shelf go flat or get much lower with charge than the genuine Nikon battery.

When used in the field i find the after market batteries work fine on the D7100 but don't last as long as the genuine Nikon battery about 25 to 30% less, this should be calculated in when considering cost savings, the difference in cost savings comes down by 25-30%.

I had the same experience with my D3X when a friend gave me two new reputable after market batteries from their D3S un used spares.

So the experience of myself and it appears form memory many of our club members tells me that in general after market batteries in most case work reasonably well to perfectly fine, some brands better than others, therefore their is a place for them, considering there is a huge cash saving in most cases.

I mean 2 genuine batteries packed with say 1 or 2 after market batteries as back ups is perfectly fine, now if your running a Z9, Z8, A1, R3, etc and at peak performance, its only genuine batteries period, especially with the sophisticated electronics in mirror less cameras of today.

Battery specification being on point is more critical than every before.

If your just walking around taking happy holiday snaps one frame at a time etc that may very well be fine to use some after market batteries ?

Only an opinion
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This thread is generating more "heat" than do filters used for "protection" do more or less harm than not using one.

If you can get an independent battery to work - fair enough - and if you cannot - try to get your money back.

Otherwise the thread has become a "yes you can - no you cannot" somewhat irrelevant to either side saga